Horeeeee.dapet bmri 2100 ama indf 960...THANK YOU om BD baik banget deh ane dikasih...
NOW start to climb pleeeeease.....hehehe...ngarep.com To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com From: ed...@entersoft-online.com Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 17:40:58 +0700 Subject: Re: [ob] Awas, Buying Climax..!!!====>Besok Market SELL...Kita BUY...?!! Sesama Korban Kegocek dilarang mendahului... hehehehe ----- Original Message ----- From: gavriel ardian To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com Sent: 2009-03-24 16:33 Subject: RE: [ob] Awas, Buying Climax..!!!====>Besok Market SELL...Kita BUY...?!! Yak Betul, ane uda terlanjur kegocek TADI pagi JUAL bmri di 2125 ama INDF di 970, AYO DONK Om BD besok PAGI diJEBLOKIN yah biar ane bisa BUY BACK di BAWAH harga2 tsb....hehehe...ngarep.com To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com From: y_d...@mail2web.com Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 16:15:58 +0700 Subject: [ob] Awas, Buying Climax..!!! Value transaksi 3x dari rata2 harian. Intraday closingnya nekuk ke bawah. Titi DJ (Ati-Ati Di Jalan) aja deh..! Notes: Perhatikan volume transaksi besok Regards, Yudizz Send from My BlackBearish powerred by AXIS, GSM Yang Baik What can you do with the new Windows Live? Find out _________________________________________________________________ What can you do with the new Windows Live? Find out http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowslive/default.aspx