It's very logic dollar will tumbling down after they ( FED) spreading dollar to 
market too much.. but unfortunately when dollar vs idr 5000 all prices in 
dollar will be twice from now (hyper inflation in US)... so still, there is no 
difference for us, isn't it Elaine ? :)
itu juga kalo idr mengikuti trend mata uang kuat lain yang akan diprediksi 
menguat terhadap dollar.. nah klo idr setia mengikuti depresiasi dollar... Oh 
my it will be a disaster...
Marlow Riza

From: Elaine Sui <>
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 9:39:29 AM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

I don't know. Embah tanya exact date Elaine tidak bisa jawab, but it's very 


On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 9:18 AM, jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@ 
id> wrote:


Tgl 31 Maret bisa dibawah 11000 engga ?.

Ini penting karena dipakai untung ngitung Forex gain/loss pada
laporan Q1 2009...

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Elaine Sui <elainesui83@ ...> wrote:
> *

> http://www.opensubs message/obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou 
> html
> *
> Anyway, good job everyone, have a nice weekend. Welcome idr...@5000, 1H10. If
> you plan to buy cars, electronics or any import stuff, *please *wait until
> 2010 or late 2009, you may get a 50%-70% discount. Why? cuz factories dump
> everything they have from their warehouses.
> Try finding articles about* 'cheap money'* if you don't understand about
> what I'm talking about.
> *
> Elaine*

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