9 hours agoMarch 17, 2009 3:00 GMT+8
China's February palm oil imports surge

China's imports of palm oil, the world's biggest, surged in February from a 
year ago after traders took advantage of a widening discount to rival soyabean 
oil to boost purchases.

Imports of palm oil gained 54 per cent to 410,000 metric tonnes last month as 
shipments of soyabean oil fell 89 per cent to 40,000 tonnes, the Beijing-based 
Customs office said yesterday. Imports of soyabeans added 61 per cent to 3.3 
million tonnes.

Palm oil competes with the more expensive soyabean oil for use in foods and 
cooking in China, the world's third-largest economy. Palm oil became more 
competitive compared with its main rival as the discount widened after a drop 
in crude oil, said Gao Yingbin, an analyst at China Cereals and Oils Business 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "jsx_consultant" <jsx-consult...@...> 
> Average UP when Higher Low 6 is formed
> http://www.obrolanbandar.com/piwihsgzz.png
> - Wave no 6 should be higher than 4 to maintain
>   the trend.
> - Average Up jika 6 terbentuk

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