maap nih pak sudes..saya rada2 OON soal beginian-nyangkut2 soal FA, red-... apakah dengan harga TLKM sekarang masih COMFORT untuk masuk-saya tipe PENAMPUNG LOWEST HIGH-, tentu dengan SEDIKIT goyang dombret, terus terang saya BELUM PERNAH icip icip embahnya JSX ini... kapitalisasinya GUEDE banget... eeh PGAS juga gede yaaa??^^...jdi saya SUANGAT buta akan PERGERAKAN nona cantik yang uhuuuy ini...terimakasih saya haturkan jika pak sudes SEMPAT menyisihkan waktunya nyang sangat TERBATAS untuk memberi PENCERAHAN...
salam hangat, gitto kurniasanto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Telkom mencetak laba bersih sebesar IDR 9,222 Trilyun atau tumbuh sebesar 62% dibanding periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya, yaitu sebesar IDR 5,677%; dimana pendapatan perseroan tumbuh sebesar 23% yang didorong oleh semua lini bisnis baik dari seluler, internet data, dan interkoneksi. Pendapatan TLKM pada Q3 2005 mencapai sebesar IDR 30,154 Trilyun menjadi sebesar IDR 37,25 Trilyun pada Q3 2006 Best Regards, SAMUEL SUDESWANTO YEUNG RESEARCH DEPARTMENT PT SINARMAS SEKURITAS GEDUNG PLAZA BII MENARA III Jl.M.H.Thamrin No.51 Telp : 62-21-3925550 ext.159 Fax : 62-21-3925579 DISCLAIMER : This material is issued by PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, a member of the Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchanges, represent the opinion of PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, derived its judgement from sources deemed reliable, however, PT Sinarmas Sekuritas and its affiliated cannot guarantee its accuracy and completeness. PT Sinarmas Sekuritas or its affiliates may be involved in transactions contrary to any opinion herein or have positions in the securities recommended herein and may seek or will seek investment banking or other business relationships with the companies in this material. PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, its employees and its affiliates, expressly disclaim any and all liability for representation or warranties, expressed or implied, here in or omission there from or for any loss how so ever arising from any use of this material or its contents or otherwise arising in connection there with. Opinion expressed in this material are our present view and are subject to change without notice. GOD BLESS YOU Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: