Market Tips: Don’t Give Up on Emerging Markets

As dominant global stock markets continued to decline Friday, are emerging 
markets better places for investors to put their money? Experts interviewed on 
CNBC believe so.
Emerging Markets Are Attractive 

Although economies in emerging markets are slowing down, Stefan Hofer, emerging 
markets strategist at Julius Baer still sees opportunities there. He tells CNBC 
where money can be made.

Investing in Indonesia 

There are some very good mid- to long-term opportunities emerging in Indonesia, 
particularly in natural resources and infrastructure, says Gita Wirjawan, 
co-chairman of Ancora Capital.

Thailand Looks Attractive 

Despite the political uncertainty plaguing Thailand, this market looks 
attractive to Mark Fuchs, CEO of Fuchs Capital Partners. He reveals how he is 
investing there.

Negative on Australian Stocks 

Matt Martin, institutional sales trader at Wilson HTM is negative on Australian 
stocks as he thinks its economic outlook is going to deteriorate further.

Sorting the Bites from the Bits 

The day of reckoning has arrived, says Diane Garnick, investment strategist at 
Invesco, where not every technology company is going to do well. She tells CNBC 
how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

"Hold" on Sony 

Sony needs to speed up its restructuring process in order to turn the firm 
around, says Kota Ezawa, analyst at Nikko Citigroup, after it shocked markets 
with an operating loss forecast of $2.9 billion. He tells CNBC why he has a 
"hold" on Sony.

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