Kelihatannya lebih tepat kalau 2003- 2009= 30--> 385 = 1.183%, total
investasi 6 tahun
Jadi kalau tahun 2003 invest Rp 1.000.000 jadi Rp 12.833.000 (approx.)
di tahun 2009.
Bukan begitu???





Hilman Kamaludin

Account Executive

PT Danareksa Sekuritas

Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 14

Jakarta Pusat 10110

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[] On Behalf Of tamara p
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 12:51 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Top 100 Great Funds

Here is the article - Top 100 Great Funds from Smart Money Magazine Feb

It appears Bakrie Funds should have been on the top of the list of 100
Great Funds.

Let's have a calculation in BUMI only:
2003-2008 from 30 --> 8700 = 29.000 % in gain

2008-2009 from 8700 --> 385 = 2.200 % in gain
Total in 6 years investment = 31.200% in gain

Meaning if you have invested your money IDR 1.000.000 in Bakrie Funds in
2003, your money would have worthed IDR  312.000.000 in 6 years time.
And this is not to mention gain from ELTY, BNBR, UNSP, BTEL and other
Unfortunately, only selected people can invest in Bakrie Funds and I bet
your are none of those people :))

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