He..he..he.. at least I can tell you one thing El, the bull team will always have more supporter compare to the bear team. If you don't mind me asking, why is your confidence level for bull only 1899%?
--- Pada Rab, 10/12/08, Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:
Dari: Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Topik: Re: TINS - RE: [obrolan-bandar] PGAS Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com Tanggal: Rabu, 10 Desember, 2008, 10:36 AM
Fine. I expect some ppl to disagree anyway. 
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 10:08 AM, Armando Anthony <armando.anthony@ yahoo.com> wrote:
He's right El. The time has not come yet. "Collection Period" with selected stocks will most probably suitable in expressing your bull
From: Elaine Sui <elainesui83@ gmail.com>Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 9:24:29 AM Subject: Re: TINS - RE: [obrolan-bandar] PGAS
Well, time will tell my friend. Time will tell.
simply TA.. Real Bull always looks boring... slow moving. This time is very wild... only one explanation. . bear rally.
It's will looks like real bull..but still BEAR RALLY
May be we will see BEI at 11xx or below sometimes late next year. Hopefully that will be our real bottom.
anyway..short to medium term still bullish...hopefully 1500-1800 can be reach before march..otherwise we must wait until 2011
How can you be so sure that this is a bear rally? I totally respect ur opinion, but I'm 1899% sure that we are in an early stage of REAL bull rally. Sure there'll be corrections from time to time. This bull is quite wild, if you can't ride her, then just wait for her at the finish line.
But if you can, then it's good for you.
This is BEAR rally El
All sektor will go up eventually.. . and it can hit 30-75% gain in a medium term .. even more than 100% in just less than 3 months (your medium term :p)
However..the big picture still going down.
anyway.... in OB.. no body care about long term... they all trader ha.ha...
DJI currently in red area...another BOW lol
Sorry, meleng itu arti nya apa..? buy tins , did you know that this metal miner has large sum of cash reserve...? in this 'tight credit' era, cash is king, it means tins doesn't need to borrow a lot of money from banks to expand its business. Less debt = less interest = less cost. Combined with low oil price plus increasing tin demand in China, then it's a good buy.
I don't know when, but I do know why. Tin is too cheap at this price while USD is falling down. But it's different with commodity rally earlier this year. This time, ALL SECTORS go UP simultaneously.
Why? cuz I said so. Crisis? what crisis? Contrary to popular belief, real investors get the most of their investment reward because of 'crisis'. Think about it. Buffet is 'crisis' lover, isn't he? This 'crisis' may not happen again until the next decade. Do you really want to MISS this
GOLDEN opportunity and wasting your precious time scalping every price movement, while you deny to KNOW that this is may be the BEST time to invest?
Think about it. Wealthy ppl don't stare at running trades. They have better things to do. You don't have to work for money, just let the money work for you. That's what I call investing.
Waduh kalau kenapa belum dimainkan, saya kurang paham pak…. hehe, mungkin karena sentimennya belum mendukung, saya ngga ngikutin harga timah, mungkin lagi jeblok kali.., kalo secara teknis sih jelas sideways berat…, namun resiko sdh terbatas kayaknya.., transaksi sih ngga sepi-sepi amat, cukup aktif, kemungkinan pak Artomoro lagi ngepul barang murah disitu …, hehehe
Anyway, sepertinya lagi diakumulasi sambil menunggu sentiment bagus…, kayaknya sih buat dibekel cukup menarik juga…, cermati aja, jangan meleng.
kenapa TINS blm dimainkan pak JT ??
Yup, bsk jigo, naik cepet turun juga cepet, kalo digebuk sampe dibwh 2000 boleh dilirik, tapi liat2 volume. Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT -----Original Message----- From: Big Fat < [EMAIL PROTECTED] com> Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 01:05:08
To: < obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. .com> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] PGAS Pak JT, kl baru mau masuk PGAS, masih ok gak? Tutup di atas 2000 berarti besok per 25 point dong.
--- On Tue, 12/9/08, JsxTrader < [EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote: From: JsxTrader < [EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] PGAS To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. .comDate: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 9:00 AM
Pak Angelo.., 'Blue
Moon'-nya mantep..., tidak hanya meningkatkan gairah pria dewasa....., tapi juga PGAS.... hehehe.. Salam, JsxTrader From: Angelo Michel < angelo_m_i_c_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
To: Milis Obrolan Bandar < obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. .com> Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2008 12:22:12 PM Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] PGAS
Nimbrung lagi.... blue dot sudah muncul. Tulisan di atas bukanlah suatu rekomendasi beli atau jual, melainkan suatu petunjuk untuk menginterpretasikan indikator tertentu. Informasi di atas seharusnya digunakan hanya oleh investor yang memahami resiko dalam trading saham, komoditi mau
pun forex. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian apa pun yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan tulisan di atas. Ikuti MetaStock & AmiBroker Gathering pada hari Rabu, 17 Desember 2008, jam 18:00-21:30.
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