Dear elaine and mr gman. saya mohon, sudahi saja pembicaraan ini
karena sdh tdk sehat lagi. Milis ini dibuat dgn tujuan agar semua org
bisa ambil pengetahuan di milis ini. mohon utk menahan diri semua.
Mari berbagi ilmu, teknik dan info yg bagus agar semua dapat
manfaat. setuju semua ya, cukup sampai di sini saja ya. Thanks.
Artomoro9 (smile please . . .) --- In,
"Elaine Sui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *lol marah buat cari harga murah, dear? elaine ingat cuma ada 3
orang yang
> suka hina Elaine personally:
> 1. Andrew Wijaya
> 2. Boyz
> 3. G-Man
> Now, Elaine suka teasing with artomoro dan Oentoeng (both act and
talk like
> generals) and I think they're okay with that, kenapa g-man jadi
> obviously you're trying to insult me personally, and that's not
> You said you don't like my post, well NOBODY likes yours. Elaine
tahu ada
> bandar stuck more than a trillion IDR in just ONE local broker. I
> exactly how bad the repos are.
> omg what's wrong with you man? if you really know what's right,
then share
> with us. Come on, what do you know about bakrie? Anyway I'm sorry
> teasing you about you sex life, hope it will get better and better.
^_^ ha
> ha ha, cheer up a bit will ya? I'm just kidding.
> Kinda strange why the moderator let you around for some time.
> Elain