Sy jg mhn maaf sir, kalo ada yg kurang berkenan. 
Happy Trading and Cuan ya. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: SyIFA Fund 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 1:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG hari ini
 problem Pak

        SF FM
        Where you can trust your fund

        --- On Tue, 12/2/08, Dick Q <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

          From: Dick Q <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG hari ini
          Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 6:38 AM

          Di Milis ini, sejak index 2800-an sudah ada senior member yg kasih 
"warn" akan kejatuhan ekonomi yg terjadi saat ini. 
          Sekarang index 1191, anda berbaik hati memberikan Warning about 
something wrong is going to be happened. :))
          makanya saya bilang simpan aja "dalam dapur" kalau hanya ingin 
memberikan "warning" tanpa ada argumentasi 
          yg bisa menjadi masukan bagi kita semua. Cape de. 
          Di sini saya tahu beberapa member yg handle private client, mereka 
tetap berbagi opinion about stocks yg mereka pilih. 
          Saya tidak melihat itu suatu "rahasia", karena dalam market tidak ada 
          Kalaupun kebetulan kita punya posisi yg sama, cuan nya belum tentu 
sama toh...  
          And Please Note.. Kalaupun saya punya duit banyak... PASTI saya tidak 
akan jadi client anda. 

            ----- Original Message ----- 
            From: SyIFA Fund 
            To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
            Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 12:31 PM
            Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG hari ini

                  I believe that you won't be my client, 1st Q: do you have min 
USD 100.000? IF yes then you can be my client. 2nd Q: Can you hold that amount 
for one year at least? IF yes then you can be my client. (I'm not joking...I'm 
telling you). Even my clients never want to ask what stocks that i'm invested 
in. They're just enjoy the return that they got from me.
                  I have seen so many incredible people here. They do TA and 
they're good. My position is not to give you any clues which stock should be 
bought or sold because you already had that people to tell you.


                  My position is to warn you if something WRONG is going to be 

                  Hope that my statement will answer your question.


                  SF FM
                  Where you can trust your fund

                  --- On Tue, 12/2/08, Dick Q <passion8899@> wrote:

                    From: Dick Q <passion8899@>
                    Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG hari ini
                    To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
                    Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 5:19 AM

                    ya sudah...kalo jadi "rahasia dapur", simpan aja semua 
saran anda dalam "dapur anda" 
                    bikin mumet aja...pake bahasa bule lagi. 
                    atau anda lagi cari client ? 

                      ----- Original Message ----- 
                      From: SyIFA Fund 
                      To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
                      Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 12:02 PM
                      Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG hari ini

                            Yes Pak Rei, I've been a trader for commodities 
(specially energy and agriculture products), property and had been working in 
some banking and also in one of investment banking so I had some relatives with 
business diversities. I bought their stocks at really low price in past. And 
always accumulate them when their undervalued and IF they reach my target 
price, I'll release them. I'm sorry. I can't tell you my portfolio. It's my 
"RAHASIA DAPUR". No one knows except my trader. I've 3 trader at 3 different 
brokerage firms. and i learned so much from my 3 accounts what should i do to 
be a good investor, because i used different method on my 3 accounts. 

                            Like what i said, i buy stocks which i'm involved 
in. What i'm trying to say here, i never buy stocks in speculative manner, i 
always buy them if i know exactly what they are. INFORMATION is PRICELESS for 
me.. So I ALWAYS try to get INFORMATION as much as i can, do FILTERING, and if 
possible getting close with the OWNER. Then get my EXCEL and do some valuation.
                            For me, TA is helpful when i'm going to sell them. 
I'm not good in TA so I watch OB and that's really helpful. (Thank you so much 
for MBah, Pak JT, EL, and others).
                            Mbah, actually, I'm really happy to be your mailist 
member. Thank you very much from my deepest heart to Mbah. 
                            For Pak Rei: Sorry, i can't tell you my portfolio 

                            Luv u all,

                            PS : JUst believe in your analysis, always SHARPEN 


                            SF FM
                            Where you can trust your fund




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