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Buyback plan raises  questions

Buyback plan raises  questions. Bumi's share price has plummeted  
70.0% since the lifting  of the suspension of trade on its shares.  Is
it cheap?. Left  alone, we believe Bumi is cheap.   However, a recent
plan to buyback  17.0% shares worth US$824.7mn raises questions on
prudency of cash management  and reduces visibility of Bumi's
commitment to develop Arutmin and KPC. We  therefore downgraded our
target price to its adjusted DCF (WACC rate of 15.1%)  of US$0.1 4..
Maintain Buy, however at  this juncture risk for investing in Bumi has
heightened due to uncertainties on  the buyback.

US$225-mn questions.  Replying questions from the bourse  authority on
Bumi's sources of financing for its US$825mn buyback of 17.0% of 
issued shares, Bumi mentioned two  sources, namely US$225mn from
internal  cashflow, and US$600mn from  third-party loan through MTN
(medium-term notes) issuance.  What catches  our attention is the
US$225mn internal funding is nearly equal to US$223mn in  short-term
investment that Bumi currently puts in Recapital Asset  Management. 
Bumi in its 6M08 financial statements did not disclose further  on what
type of investment it entered into. We have tried to reach the 
management regarding the detail but up to now there is no reply.

Buyback for whom?  Wim Al Fatih, president director of Asia 
Kapitalindo, one of the MTN arrangers  hinted that the purpose of the
buyback could be to settle the repurchase  agreements in Bumi's
shares(Reuters,  Nov 17, 2008).  If the intended  MTN buyers are the
lenders of Bakrie Brother who are holding Bumi shares as  collaterals,
doesn't it need minority  shareholders' approval?  The average
share price und er the buyback program  of Rp2,500 a share is also
considered  high compared with the current price.

Lower  DCF on lower coal price  and higher risk free rate. After
adjustments to lower coal price  (we downgraded our Newcastle benchmark
to  US$75/t), and slapping bigger  risk-free rate (INDO14 yield of
14.2%), we arrived at a DCF of US$0.14/share.  Still a  Buy, however it
is not for the faint  hearted.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, simon bolenang
>    Paparan Publik Bakrie Grup (Indro)
>  Jakarta
> - Manajemen PT Bumi Resources Tbk mengaku belum tahu mengenai kabar
> masuknya konglomerat George Soros ke perusahaan tambang batubara
> terbesar itu. Yang pasti, BUMI masih melanjutkan proses penjualan ke
> Northstar Pacific.
> "Saya
> tidak tahu apa-apa mengenai hal itu," Senior Vice President Investor
> Relations BUMI Dileep Srivastava saat dikonfirmasi mengenai kabar
> masuknya Soros tersebut, Selasa(25/11/2008).
> Dileep bahkan
> bertanya balik darimana kabar tersebut berembus. Kabar yang beredar di
> kalangan pelaku pasar, Soros masuk ke BUMI melalui Citadel Investment
> Group.
> Saat ditanya apakah transaksi dengan Northstar akan
> selesai pada 28 November mendatang, Dileep hanya mengatakan: "Anda
> tahu ketika saatnya datang," tegasnya.
> Analis dari Valbury Asia
> Securities, Mastono Ali mengatakan, masuknya Soros ke BUMI memang
> bisa dipastikan kebenarannya. Namun mengenai kenaikan harga saham BUMI
> pada hari ini, Mastono menilai salah satunya disebabkan karena
> positif akan segera berakhirnya proses akuisisi.
> "Saya melihat
> auto rejection ke atas saham BUMI hari ini lebih karena
> mendekatnya penyelesaian transaksi Bakrie & Brothers dengan
> Northstar Jumat ini," katanya ketika dihubungi detikFinance.
> Pada H-3 menjelang akhir transaksi, investor masuk dengan harapan jika
kesepakatan tercapai mereka akan mendapatkan pembayaran.
> Saham
> BUMI bersama saham-saham Grup Bakrie hari ini mengalami kenaikan
> Saham BUMI naik Rp 140 (19,72%) menjadi Rp 850, sehingga terbentur
> rejection batas atas.(dro/qom)

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