untuk meizal, tks atas tanggapannya.
tapi aku makin menggelitik, masa sih engga bisa? apa yang ngga bisa di dunia 
ini? dulu ketika hanya mata uang dolar yang kuat, tidak ada satupun yang 
menyatakan akan ada mata uang yang akan menyaingi, tapi kemudian lahir EURO.
Begitu juga ketika orang Amerika sendiri engga yakin Obama naik, eh tiba-tiba 
Itu siih tinggal bagaimana negara-negara di luar Amerika membuat persepsi bahwa 
dolar AS sudah tidak layak lagi dijadikan komoditas satu-satunya untuk 
transaksi global. Karena risiko begitu besar. Anda bayangkan jika CIna guyur 
dolar ke pasar, apa engga orang Amerika pade telanjang gadaikan bukan cuma 
rumah, mobil, perhiasan, mungkin celana kolor juga digadaikan. Heeee

--- Pada Kam, 20/11/08, Meizal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:
Dari: Meizal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] BISA GA SIH CINA
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Kamis, 20 November, 2008, 1:27 PM


  Will Asia Play an Active Role in Resolving the 
  Global Financial Crisis?
  Asian countries like China, Japan, Korea, India, 
  Taiwan, Singapore and Hong 
  Kong hold more than $4 trillion in foreign exchange reserves - much of it 
  in U.S. dollars. Asia's surplus position, means that  led by China, they 
  could be the ultimate source of capital to bail out the financial system, say 
  by providing funds to the IMF to avoid further export slump, if so they may 
  seek more voting power in global institutions. Furthermore, the crisis could 
  spur further integration 
  FT Economists: coordinated fiscal and monetary expansion should achieve 
  much larger and much more durable results than they would achieve through 
  unilateral action.  The leadership in east Asia rests with the largest 
  economies: China, Japan, Korea, and ASEAN. 
  EIU: Asia has also yet to demonstrate a desire for a leadership role, at 
  least through the US-led global financial architecture. Instead, Asian 
  governments' preference has generally been for government-to- government, or 
  government-to- corporation initiatives. If Asia is to challenge successfully 
  for greater influence in the world's financial institutions, it will have to 
  demonstrate a more compelling record of regional co-operation. Following the 
  Asian crisis in 1997-98, governments across the region agreed to co-operate 
  reduce their dependence on the fund in the event of future currency crises 
  the regional swaps remain relatively small 
  China might provide a swap line to South Korea.  
  Japanese finance minister, Shoichi Nakagawa will propose to his G7 
  counterparts that the IMF take contributions from the swollen pot of currency 
  reserves residing in central bank vaults across the world (Japan has $980 Bn 
  of its own) (BNY) 
  Noland: If the political will is there, Asia has the financial wherewithal 
  to go its own way and establish an alternative rescue mechanism to the IMF, 
  through the already created Chiang Mai Swap agreements Whether it will do so 
  depends significantly on the capacity of Japan and China to act cooperatively 
  and how far the responses of the United States and Europe go in addressing 
  longstanding demands of the Asians (and others) for a more inclusive 
  policymaking international- financial architecture 
  Subramanian: The Chinese government 
  could offer to lend up to $500bn  to the US government for the rescue of 
  its financial sector, conditional on the restructuring the financial sector 
  and keeping homeowners in place.  Rescuing the US financial sector could 
  help avert an economic downturn, protecting China’s exports, its growth 
  Kemp: China's involvement in the coordinated 
  rate cut indicates its willingness to be involved in a multilateral 
  stabilization process it could provide capital directly (loan) or indirectly 
  as it has done in the past 
  The mismatch between Asia's economic and political power limits the 
  response to this financial and economic crisis - Asian leaders have been 
  notable by their absence in this crisis, and their actions remain those of 
  followers. Asia is too large not to have a major role in this crisis but 
  is politically paralyzed and Chinese leaders are uncertain how to wield their 
  global power (BW) 
  Korean officials suggest China, Japan, Korea and other Asian countries 
  speed up creation of a $80b fund to protect Asia from the financial crisis 
  ensure regional liquidity. Asian countries previously agreed to increase 
  between central banks and pool reserves, though this has yet to be 
  implemented. Intra-Asian institutions and crisis response mechanisms are 
  Asian central 
  banks have been injecting liquidity through open market operations and 
  many have begun cutting interest rates to support growth. China did so in 
  coordination with global central banks 
  Oxford Analytica: Governments in the region may well want to increase the 
  potential for tighter coordination, at the same time as they look to toughen 
  their regulatory regimes. There have already been suggestions to create a 
  regional complement to the financial stability forum but current 
  structures are limited 
  Shinawatra: Having parked most of their surpluses in the currency that was 
  most convertible – the dollar – Asian countries face the prospect of losing 
  much as the country that issued the currency. Instead they should create an 
  Lack of experience managing big teams of Western bankers has also caused 
  Asian investors (including its cash-rich banks) to largely avoid acquiring 
  control of Western institutions as have recent losses (WSJ) 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
  Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 1:05 
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] BISA GA SIH 

  Selama konsumen terbesar masih di US gak bisa
Selama cadangan devisa 
  masih mayoritas USD gak bisa
Selama mata uang standar akuntansi dunia USD 
  gak bisa

Tapi pelan pelan akan berubah. Nothing last forever mungkin 
  saja 300 
tahun dari sekarang US situasinya mirip Congo atau Roma jaman 
dulu well who knows.

muhammad ali wrote:
> Mba 
  tolong diberikan pencerahan.
> Mungkinkah kita memotori untuk menjadikan 
  Cina sebagai acuan 
> internasional dalam pasar modal. selama ini kan, 
  kita seertinya 
> dihipnotis bawah segala-galanya serba AS, Dow lah, Dow 
  Fut lah, S-P 
> 50, Yankee Bond AS dan segala AS yang semuanya hanya 
> indikator semu. Bagaimana mungkin bisa dijadikan acuan, 
  wong negara 
> yang punya mata uang malah engga punya uangnya sendiri. 
  malah uangnya 
> banyak dipegang CINA.
> Bagaimana mulai 
  saat ini, IDX acuannya bukan lagoi dow tapi shanghai 
> ataupun 
  hongkong. Bayangkan cadangan devisa yang dia punya begiotu 
> besar, 
  pertumbuhan ekonomi terus melaju. Kalaupun ada krisis yakin dia 
> engga 
  kena seperti AS. Bagaimana mbah mungkin tidak? Kalau mungkin Yo 
> kita 
  buat persepsi SHANGHAI jadi acuan IDX. Barangkali nanti Malaysia, 
  Korea, Singapura, Thailand dan Philipina ikut-ikutan.





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