Ada yang tau listing BLTA di SGX issue saham baru atau pake saham
yang sudah ada?  trims

--- In, "Cahyo Hari Purwanto"
> Bagi Pemerhati  BLTA

> 1.       1 Net profit Rp 642 M FY05, Rp 640 jt utk cadangan, Rp
80,5 M utk cash dev./ Rp 20/share tgl 31 Juli  
>        2006, Rp 564 M dijadikan laba ditahan
> 2.       Berencana utk listing di Singapore, tp blum dpt
konfirmasi dari SJX. Akan dibahar lagi pada RUPS luar biasa tgl 21
Juni 06. Rencana listing di Singapore awal juli 06, range harga blum
> 3.       Berencana mengakuisis prsh pelayaran di luar negri
berbasis Eropa utk angkutan muatan cair, dgn maksimal enterprise
value Euro 200 jt
> 4.       Berencana membeli kapal baik baru / 2nd hand dengan total
nilai investasi USD 400 jt
> 5.       Berencana buyback saham dgn harga mak. Rp 2750 / lbr atau
total harga pembelian mak. Rp 1.143 T dari saldo laba perseroan dan
tidak lebih dari 10% dari jml saham yang dikeluarkan perseroan
> 6.       Perseroan memperpanjang jangka waktu utk stock split
sampai tanggal 30 Juni 2007
> Ini Berita dari Kim Eng
> On AGM today, Berlian Laju shareholders approved Rp20 DPS
(yield=1% ) to be paid on 31 July 2006.

> The company is also holding an EGM approving the following agenda:
>  Acquisition of equity stake and assets
> * Acquisition target is a European based shipping company focusing
on liquid transportation, with enterprise value of up to US$200 mn.
> * Expansion in fleet with capital expenditure of appr. US$400 mn
(up to 31 May 2007).
> * Acquisition and expansion will be financed using internal cash
flow and loan.
> * To conduct share buyback max. 10% of outstanding shares at max.
Rp2,750/share for a total of max. Rp1142,332,144,900 in the period
of 31 May 2006 - 31 May 2007.

> On the following agenda, the meeting failed to meet quorum.
> Transaction with conflict of interests:
> * To be appointed as general agent to provide agency services for
Singaporean based affiliated shipping companies, PUS and PEN.  The
company has provided agency services for the affiliates for a long
time (since 1997 for PUS and since 1999 for PEN).
> * To use agency services provided by a Singaporean based
affiliated company, PUA.

> The company is to hold another EGM on 21 June for the above
transaction and to seek approval on possible stock split.

> Separately, Berlian announced that Singapore listing is planned to
take place in July 2006.  No more details have been announced in
relation to the listing plan.


> Maintain BUY.


> Rgds,
> Katarina Setiawan

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