jangan dulu pak, exit only prove we're wrong, tapi kalau bener2 kebelet ya jual separuh,it's not bad idea,tks
zainudin aziez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
zainudin aziez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
mr. busur smcb sepertinya males2an utk rally nih cuman jalan ditempat aja, apa harus keluar dulu ganti yg lain, tks
budi suryono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Bukan target saya pak, saya mau main bola dengan mas adhi di 1200 an,saat ini mending main bola di TLKM, lagi sibuk nendang2 in short seller nih...
Stephen Kasenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:mr.busur, apa adhi confirm breakout ?
> akhirnya setelah sekian lama ADHI break out diatas 850 dan mulai mau main >bola lagi...
> strong buy ADHI !!!.
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