Power and glory belong to God alone. So do YOU (nggak ada artinya).
God gives WHATEVER belongs to Him because
He gives of Himself, and EVERYTHING belongs to Him.
Giving of YOUR self is the function He gave you.
Fulfilling it perfectly will teach you what you HAVE of Him,
and this will teach you what you ARE in Him.
You CANNOT be powerless to do this because this IS your power.
Glory is God’s gift to you because that is what HE is.
See this glory everywhere to learn what YOU are.
ini revisi menurut saya (juga tetap tidak sempurna)
Power and glory belongs to God alone, YOU do too.
God gives WHATEVER belongs to Him because
He gave Himself, and EVERYTHING is Him.
Self sacrificing is the function He gave you.
Fulfilling it wholly will let you learn you what you HAVE of Him,
and this will teach you what you ARE in Him.
You CANNOT be powerless to do this because you have the power.
Glory is God’s gift to you for HE is in you.
See the glory everywhere so you can know what(who) YOU are.
----- Original Message -----
From: Solo
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 5:13 AM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT: Siapakah ENGKAU ini ?

Kacaunya dimana, donk :)
Btw,Mbah makin hebat saja. Dlm 5 th ini  saya akan menemukan buku Mbah tentang Bandarmologi di Gramedia.
----- Original Message -----
From: Cubit Aja
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT: Siapakah ENGKAU ini ?

Bahasa Inggrisnya kacau mbah, bukan terjemahannya. Yang nulis bukan native/'lokal' tuh.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT: Siapakah ENGKAU ini ?

Dalem Amat Mbah.....

jsx-consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Power and glory belong to God alone. So do YOU.
God gives WHATEVER belongs to Him because
He gives of Himself, and EVERYTHING belongs to Him.
Giving of YOUR self is the function He gave you.
Fulfilling it perfectly will teach you what you HAVE of Him,
and this will teach you what you ARE in Him.
You CANNOT be powerless to do this because this IS your power.
Glory is God’s gift to you because that is what HE is.
See this glory everywhere to learn what YOU are.


Kekuasaan dan Kemuliaan adalah kepunyaan Tuhan sendiri. Begitu juga KAMU.
Tuhan memberikan SEMUA kepunyaannya karena Dia memberikan dirinya
dan APAPUN yang dipunyaiNYA.
Memberikan DIRIMU adalah fungsi yang DIA berikan.
Memenuhinya secara total akan mengajarkan kamu tentang APA
yang kamu PUNYA dari DIA,
Dan ini akan mengajarkan kamu SIAPAKAH kamu didalam DIA.
Kamu TIDAK AKAN tidak mampu melakukan ini karena ini adalah
Kemuliaan adalah Hadiah Tuhan untukmu karena Kemuliaan adalah Dia.
Lihatlah kemulian ini dimanapun untuk mengetahui siapakah ENGKAU ini

Mudah mudahan terjemahan embah BENER dan engga bikin bingung....

Yang bingung bacanya, anggap aja Embah lagi belajar Bahasa Inggris

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