dari fund manajer yg 5 tahun umurnya sejak 1999 mengalahkan Warren Buffett:
".... Today's energy demand has apparently surpassed the finite supply of cheap oil and gas. In hindsight, we should have owned more of these gushers." lengkapnya: "A fund that beats Buffett at his own game" ( http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/P124477.asp ). sebelum semua rontok gara2 harga energi naik, mudah2-an saham sektor energi naik dan bertahan dulu. krn ptba & pgas udah kabur, mana nih yg harus dipilih antara enrg, bumi, or medc?? salam, rz ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> <font face=arial size=-1><a href="http://us.ard.yahoo.com/SIG=12h6897hi/M=362343.6886682.7839641.1493532/D=groups/S=1705001779:TM/Y=YAHOO/EXP=1123675143/A=2894354/R=0/SIG=11qvf79s7/*http://http://www.globalgiving.com/cb/cidi/c_darfur.html">Help Sudanese refugees rebuild their lives through GlobalGiving</a>.</font> --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> ---------------------------------------------------------- IMQ - THE REAL TIME DATA AND BUSINESS NEWS SERVICE ---------------------------------------------------------- Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/obrolan-bandar/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/