Menurut anda semua, market sekarang ini bullish atau bearish sih???
soale gini: market bullish: future>spot market bearish: future<spot hari gini LQ-45 future masih 5-6 poin diatas spot. dalam kondisi normal, LQ future itu biasanya cuma 2-3 poin diatas spot kalau market lagi bullish. Jadi market extra bullish? atau ada bandar tolol yang lagi pingin bagi duit??? Kesimpulannya gimana ini mbah? mohon petunjuk. (kalau mau main LQ hati-hati. hubungan bandar dengan orang BES sangat kuat... terbukti, kemarin pas market minus 30, BES tidak mensuspend LQ padahal sudah turun banyak. Biar spot udah di 228 - 230, FutLQ-nya dijagain di 234, tipis diatas harga suspend) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Plan great trips with Yahoo! Travel: Now over 17,000 guides! ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> What would our lives be like without music, dance, and theater? Donate or volunteer in the arts today at Network for Good! --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> ---------------------------------------------------------- IMQ - THE REAL TIME DATA AND BUSINESS NEWS SERVICE ---------------------------------------------------------- Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: