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Coba LIHAT tabel dibagian bawah ....
jsx-consultant wrote:
Performance saham AALI dari MASA ke MASA (miliar Rp)Net profit QUARTELY MENURUN secara drastis !!!
by jsx_consultant
2004| 2003|
18-03-05 ....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|....Q4 ....Q3 ....Q2 ....Q1|
---------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
SALES 3.472 2.626 1.796 860 2.543 1.736 1.186 604
COGS 1.910 1.380 950 452 1.548 1.081 727 350
GROSS MARG 1.561 1.245 846 407 994 655 459 254
GM (%) 44 47 47 47 39 37 38 42
OPR PROFIT | 1.561 1.058 723 348| 753 485 345 197
OP (%) 44 40 40 40 29 27 29 32
- Growth (%) | 107 118 109 76
NET PROFIT | 800 664 475 217| 280 188 155 98
NP (%) 23 25 26 25 11 10 13 16
---------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
ASSET 3.382 2.082 3.202 3.022 2.843 2.640 2.614 2.675
LIABILITY 1.317 662 1.315 1.274 1.328 1.220 1.233 1.265
EQUITY 2.065 1.420 1.887 1.747 1.515 1.420 1.381 1.409
CAPITALIS. 6.606 4.836 4.044 3.525 3.027 2.661 2.425 2.187 1.986
LEMBAR(JT) 1.572 1.570 1.566 1.552 1.543 1.539 1.534 1.527
---------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
STK PRICE 4.200| 3.075 2.575 2.250 1.950| 1.725 1.575 1.425 1.300
BOOK VALUE | 1.313 904 1.204 1.125| 982 922 900 922
PBV 3,20| 2,34 2,85 1,87 1,73| 1,76 1,71 1,58 1,41
DER | 0,64 0,47 0,70 0,73| 0,88 0,86 0,89 0,90
---------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
ROE (%) | 38 62 50 49| 18 17 22 27
ROA (%) | 23 42 29 28| 9 9 11 14
LUPS | 992 674 461 224| 488 314 225 129
EPS | 509 423 303 140| 181 122 101 64
EPS (ANNU) | 509 564 606 560| 181 163 202 257
PER 8,24| 6,04 4,56 3,71 3,47| 9,48 9,63 7,04 5,04
---------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
CAP/OPP 4,23 3,09 2,86 2,43 2,17 3,53 3,75 3,16 2,51
CAP+LI/OPP 5,07 3,94 3,33 3,34 3,08 5,29 5,63 4,94 4,12
---------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
SALES(3Bl) 846 829 936 860 806 550 582 604
OP.PR(3Bl) 502 335 374 348 268 139 148 197
NET.P(3Bl) 136 189 257 217 91 33 56 98
Q1 = 217
Q2 = 257 naik
Q3 = 189 TURUN
Q4 = 136 TAMBAH TURUN...
Jadi laporan keuangan YTD (Year To Date) harus dilengkapi dengan lap
keuangan QuaRterly,
supaya PERUBAHAN dalam quarter bisa JELAS TERLIHAT...
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