Hello Thomas,

I believe Figure 16 (which is not normative) could be updated with an
errata to use invalid_dpop_proof.

S pozdravem,
*Filip Skokan*

On Sat, 8 Mar 2025 at 18:46, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking at DPoP (RFC9449) and wondering which error code should be
> used by a resource server when the ath or public key don't match.
> In Section 7.1, 'error' is defined with
> > Additionally, invalid_dpop_proof is used to indicate that the DPoP proof
> itself was deemed invalid based on the criteria of Section 4.3.
> and Section 4.3's step 12 is:
> > If presented to a protected resource in conjunction with an access token,
> >  * ensure that the value of the ath claim equals the hash of that access
> token, and
> >  * confirm that the public key to which the access token is bound
> matches the public key from the DPoP proof.
> This would hint that when those substeps fail, then invalid_dpop_proof
> should be used.
> (I'm assuming that the second substep refers to Section 6 "Public Key
> Confirmation")
> But Section 7.1 also has Figure 16 that "shows a response to a protected
> resource request that was rejected due to the failed confirmation of the
> DPoP binding in the access token" and uses invalid_token.
> So either I don't understand what "rejected due to failed confirmation of
> the DPoP binding in the access token" means, or there's a contradiction
> here (and if so, should an errata be reported?)
> --
> Thomas Broyer
> /tɔ.ma.bʁwa.je/ <http://xn--nna.ma.xn--bwa-xxb.je/>
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