Thanks for your review, Marc, we've published a new version addressing your

You can also see the more detailed commits and discussion on GitHub:

Responses inline:

On Mon, Feb 3, 2025 at 8:00 AM Marc Blanchet via Datatracker <> wrote:

> Reviewer: Marc Blanchet
> Review result: Ready with Nits
> I've reviewed this document as an assigned ART reviewer. I'm not an expert
> in
> Oauth. I haven't seen any issue from the perspective of ART or i18n. I
> found
> this document comprehensive and detailed and useful for application
> architects
> and developers.
> I have the following comments.
> Substantive:
> - On my reading, it seems that the only foundation threat here is the
> ability
> for the attacker to inject malicious code. Okay. If this is the case, I
> think
> this should be pointed out clearly at the beginning of the document.

That is correct, this is now better explained in the intro to the threats
in Section 5.

> - On my
> reading, I see that this document discusses two topics: security issues and
> best practices for browser based apps that are using any kind of
> authentication
> mechanism and specific ones when using Oauth. I'm wondering if a) we
> already
> have any document that already describes the generic issues, in which
> case, we
> should refer or update;  b) if we don't have, given that a lot of this
> document
> is valuable for issues not specifically related to Oauth, that we could
> split
> the document in two: one for non-Oauth issues and then having the second
> one
> strictly on Oauth specific issues. That way, the first one can be
> referenced by
> non-Oauth work. Having said that, that suggestion may have been discussed
> already in the working group or may not make sense for reasons I don't
> know.
> Please discard if it does not make sense.

This has been clarified in Section 5, the intent is to discuss things
specifically in relation to OAuth, not general browser security

> Editorial:
> - Section 4. expand PKCE on first use and add reference. That expansion is
> done
> later in document in section, so then remove that expansion there.
> -
> DPoP similarly

References have been added throughout.
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