
I have a general question regarding creating new grant_types vs profiling 
existing specs. Specifically, in the Native SSO for Mobile Apps spec (OpenID 
Connect working group) I profiled RFC 8693 (Token Exchange) rather than create 
a new grant_type. Similarly in the draft Transaction Token spec (IETF) we 
profiled RFC 8693 for obtaining a new transaction token. That profile included 
adding additional parameters beyond those identified in RFC 8693.
Often times, the implementation of a profile requires some creative coding 
around the token exchange defined grant_type as each profile has different 
validation and processing semantics. There isn’t a simple way to do a “switch” 
statement (yes my C coding background coming out) for each of the profiles.
In that light, would it be better to just create new grant_types even if the 
parameter sets are fairly similar.

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