On 17. Dec 2024, at 21:04, Paul Bastian <paul.bast...@posteo.de> wrote:
> RFC7049 doesn't even have a privacy consideration section although it 
> contains linkable data structures that may be utilized to track users.

I’m not sure why you pick an RFC that has been superseded a while ago by an 
Internet Standard, but let’s take it up from there:

There are many standards in the Internet that can be used to communicate data 
that may be utilized to track users.  I’d start with RFC 20, ASCII, then RFC 
791, RFC 9293 (which recently superseded RFC 793), RFC 8949, …

However, none of these standards claim “selective disclosure” right on the lid.
There is a reason why you need FDA(*) approval for a product that claims to be 

Grüße, Carsten

(*) In the US; substitute your favorite Bundesamt here.

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