I’d appreciate your input in just one word or one sentence on a few points
regarding OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange integration—I’ll figure out the rest on
my own.

*Use Case:* Token Exchange Delegation Flow

Alice encounters an issue with the Acme Client Application and wants to
delegate authorization to the Administrator of the Acme Client Application
to reproduce the issue.


1. How does the Subject Resource Owner know the `sub` of the Actor Resource
Owner to delegate to a specific Actor?
   - For example, if the Acme Client uses a generic Actor Resource Owner
`sub` like `ad...@acme.com`, and the Subject Resource Owner clicks "Give
permission to Admin," how would an agent (e.g., Bob) log in as `
ad...@acme.com`? Sharing the credentials of `ad...@acme.com` with all
agents is a security risk.

2. On what basis does the Authorization Server add the `may_act` claim as
the Actor Resource Owner in the Subject's access token?
   - One possible solution is for the Client to use the
`claims.user_info.may_act` parameter in the Authorization Request with
`essential=true` when making the Authorization Request on behalf of the
Subject Resource Owner. The Authorization Server must support the `may_act`
claim for this to work.

3. What triggers the Client to request the `actor_token` with the Actor
User's consent?
   - A possible solution is for the Actor Resource Owner to log in to the
Client with their credentials. There could then be a "Reproduce the issue"
for the Actor, and upon clicking it, the Client uses the Authorization Code
flow to obtain the `actor_token`. The Client can then retrieve the
`subject_token` from the database and make the Token Exchange request using
both tokens.

4. Assuming the `subject_token` and `actor_token` are issued by the same
Authorization Server, what validations does the Authorization Server
perform on both tokens?
   - In my view, the Authorization Server should at least perform signature
verification, as well as validation of the `exp` and `nbf` claims. The
`iss` claim should correspond to the Authorization Server itself, and the
`aud` claim should represent the same set or subset of `Audience (Resource
Servers)` configured in the Authorization Server.

5. What is set as the `aud` in the returned `access_token` when both
`resource` and `audience` are included in a Token Exchange request?
   - I believe the `resource` and `audience` parameters in the Token
Exchange request are mutually exclusive. If `resource` is provided as a
URI, there is no need for the `audience` parameter, which is just a logical

6. Does upscoping pose a security risk? For instance, if the Resource Owner
consents to `scope1 scope2` but upscoping results in an `access_token` with
`scope3 scope4` without user consent, how can this be mitigated?
   - Upscoping is only suitable for trusted clients in enterprise setup.
One solution is to implement Client-Restricted Scopes. However, even with
restricted scopes, there is no explicit user consent for the upscoped

7. As per my understanding, the `subject_token` is typically initiated by
the Client and passed to the Resource Server. However, in [RFC 8693,
Example 2](
the `subject_token.aud` is shown as `"https://as.example.com"`. How is this
possible? Shouldn't the `aud` claim only refer to the Resource Server?
   - Is this a typo?

8. Does the Token Exchange Delegation Flow share similarities with UMA
(User-Managed Access)?
   - I think UMA is more dynamic in nature, while Token Exchange is more
static and reliant on predefined relationships or scopes. Is this
interpretation correct?

Arjun Balla
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