I understand it has become the accepted approach. It still comes across as
a hack, and there is no guidance on how many to issue, nor how a holder
chooses when to reissue the same ones.

I'm amused by the decision to use implicit typing in a disclosure to save a
few bytes, but we will send dozens of credentials to minimize the chance of
linking :)

On Sat, Sep 21, 2024 at 4:29 PM Daniel Fett <m...@danielfett.de> wrote:

> Hi Dick,
> Batch credential (not claims) issuing has become the default approach to
> circumvent the inherent limitations of salted-hash-based credentials
> formats. This was neither invented by us, nor is it unreasonable to ask
> implementers to do it. Protocols such as OpenID4VCI support it.
> -Daniel
> Am 21.09.24 um 06:42 schrieb Dick Hardt:
> Is it really going to be practical to batch issue claims, and have the
> holder randomly choose between them on presentation?
> As an implementer, what is the right number of claims to be in a batch?
> This section of the draft reads as a hack to add a new capability
> (unlinkability) to a mechanism that did not have that as a design objective.
> This is going to be like the "alg":"null" for SD-JWT. :-)
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