Hi Warren,

Thank you for your attention.

When public web clients use the authorization code grant for
authentication, a successful response includes an access token and,
optionally, a refresh token. If the access token is a JWT rather than an
opaque token, the identity server will issue a new JWT access token for
each authentication request with the same client_id and scope, based on the
"issued at" (iat) claim. This means each authentication attempt generates a
new JWT access token.

In this context, how should the refresh token behave? Is it advisable to
use a long-lived refresh token in conjunction with the JWT access token, or
should the refresh token be rotated each time a new JWT access token is

For opaque access tokens, since they are not renewed with each request, a
long-lived refresh token can be used.

Thanks and regards

On Fri, Aug 2, 2024 at 4:38 PM Warren Parad <wpa...@rhosys.ch> wrote:

> Indeewari,
> I'm confused regarding what you are describing. Would you be able to give
> additional context?
> - Warren
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2024 at 11:25 AM Indeewari Wijesiri <indeewa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Refresh token rotation, which involves issuing a new refresh token each
>> time an access token is renewed, is the default for the refresh grant. Do
>> we follow the same practice for the authorization code grant and password
>> grant as well? What is the recommended practice between long-lived refresh
>> tokens and refresh token rotation for these grants?
>> Additionally, is there a specific requirement for refresh token rotation
>> with JWT access tokens in the authorization code grant and password grant,
>> given that JWT access tokens are renewed per request?
>> Thanks and Regards
>> --
>> Indeewari Wijesiri
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Indeewari Wijesiri
Associate Technical Lead, WSO2 Inc
OAuth mailing list -- oauth@ietf.org
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