Greetings fellow OAUTH WG mail list subscribers,

It is with great pleasure that I announce the recent publication of the -09
draft of the SD-JWT document. The usual datatracker, etc. links are below
along with a quick summary of the changes in this revision (copied
from the document

I know I've said or suggested on several occasions that the document
content is stabilizing and that we might be approaching the end of this
phase of the work. But along those lines I do believe it's notable that
there is only one issue currently open in the repository and it has an open
PR addressing it (which needs a little care and feeding but seems
directionally correct and is editorial/exploratory in nature).


   - Distinguished SD-JWT from SD-JWT+KB
   - Provide ABNF for the SD-JWT, SD-JWT+KB, and various constituent
   - New structure for JSON-serialized SD-JWTs/KB-JWTs to better align
   with JAdES.
   - Attempt to better explain how salt in the Disclosure makes
   guessing the preimage of the digest infeasible
   - Consolidate salt entropy and length security consideration
   - Unnumbered most of the examples for improved clarity
   - More definitive language around the exclusive use of the cnf claim
   for enabling Key Binding

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 11:13 AM
Subject: New Version Notification for
To: "...", "...", "..."

A new version of Internet-Draft
draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-09.txt has been successfully
submitted by Daniel Fett and posted to the
IETF repository.

Name:     draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt
Revision: 09
Title:    Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT)
Date:     2024-06-13
Group:    oauth
Pages:    89


   This specification defines a mechanism for selective disclosure of
   individual elements of a JSON object used as the payload of a JSON
   Web Signature (JWS) structure.  It encompasses various applications,
   including but not limited to the selective disclosure of JSON Web
   Token (JWT) claims.

The IETF Secretariat

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