That's a much better place to communicate redaction reasons.

Although if the use case for communicating secured redaction reasons from
the holder to the verifier doesn't fit well with SD-JWT spec, it's possible
that's a profile specific thing, where interoperability matters less, so it
should be covered in another document.

And again, I tend to agree that this could lead to poor holder hygiene, and
"over sharing"... even issues where the holder accidentally reveals the
redacted claim, in their awkward attempt to provide a reason for its

Perhaps an allow list / registry approach would be better than allowing
free form responses from the holder.


On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 9:30 AM Daniel Fett <> wrote:

> The Holder can put such information into the KB-JWT, if required.
> -Daniel
> Am 20.10.23 um 16:28 schrieb Orie Steele:
> In some ways this is related to the question about disclosures.
> On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 9:03 AM Daniel Fett <fett=
>> wrote:
>> At least at the moment I don't think that there is a huge need for such a
>> feature. I don't think that we should clutter the existing SD-JWT data
>> structures with such information.
> I tend to agree with the latter.
> There is substantial security / privacy risk, making disclosures carry ANY
> information other than what the issuer committed to.
>> If required, it could go into a separate data structure in the SD-JWT,
>> for example a list of JSON pointers with a mapping to the respective
>> redaction reasons.
> This assumes the issuer knows why the holder chose not to disclose a
> field.... For some use cases that's probably a knowable thing... it also
> prevents the holder from using the disclosures as an unsecured channel to
> communicate with the verifier.
>> -Daniel
>> Am 18.10.23 um 05:03 schrieb Tom Jones:
>> That's leaking the existence of PII. That requires permission of the
>> subject. I think it's way more complicated than you think.
>> thx ..Tom (mobile)
>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023, 6:20 AM Orie Steele <>
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> In government documents that feature redaction, it's common for the
>>> redaction to be given a reason.
>>> For example, in the Mueller report, we can see "Harm to Ongoing Matter",
>>> "Personal Privacy", "Investigative Technique", as well as "IT" and "HOM".
>>> In SD-JWT we see the following:
>>> Case 1
>>> "_sd": [
>>>       "IjCRF...znc", // disclosure hash
>>>       "Qdpt9pL...lhU9UDo" // disclosure hash
>>> ]
>>> and
>>> Case 2
>>> { "...": "Qdpt9pLE2-MjCr...IzhZlhU9UDo" // disclosure hash  }
>>> After verification and applying disclosures these annotations are no
>>> longer present.
>>> I wonder if it would be worth allowing a reason for why a holder might
>>> have retained a redaction (or chose not to disclose for a reason).
>>> Since the payload is committed to by the issuer, this information would
>>> have to be present in the disclosures collection for the SD-JWT.
>>> Here is an example disclosure:
>>> [
>>>   "8UbQ9NZ6xseoDqMW_Bd50A", // salt
>>>   "type", // json object key (always a string)
>>>   [ // json object value
>>>     "VerifiableCredential",
>>>     "ExampleAlumniCredential"
>>>   ]
>>> ]
>>> Consider the following strawman syntax for disclosing a redaction reason:
>>> {
>>>   "disclosure hash" : "Personal Privacy" || "Harm to Ongoing Matter"
>>> }
>>> This allows a UI to map the redaction reason into a presentation (ui)
>>> layer for the issuer secured payload.
>>> Since it's an unsecured object, it can be extended with other fields at
>>> the discretion of the holder or issuer.
>>> However it might be secured by nesting it inside another JWT or SD-JWT.
>>> It would only slightly complicate the verification logic, you would need
>>> to filter any encoded disclosures by the `ey` prefix, since they will never
>>> be found in the payload, as we know they will hash differently than array
>>> encoded disclosures, which will be found in the payload.
>>> I'll be giving a presentation on this topic to the W3C Credentials
>>> community group later today, happy to shuttle their reactions back to this
>>> list.
>>> Apologies if this has been discussed previously.
>>> Regards,
>>> OS
>>> --
>>> ORIE STEELE Chief Technology Officer
>>> <>
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> ORIE STEELE Chief Technology Officer
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