Anyone read this topic or could tell if there is a better place to adress this?

Sent from Nine <>
Von: mfulz
Gesendet: Sonntag, 16. Juli 2023 03:38
Betreff: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Trust model

Hi Together,

I was thinking about some (at least I see it in that way) problem in the whole 
oauth/openid design:

The problem is the following:

The user has no control about what providers are accepted by the clients 
(websites, etc.) and this opens access to these providers without any way to 
protect against that.


I've created an account with email/password login at stackoverflow

I've created an account with the same email at github

-> logged out from stackoverflow

-> logged in via github oauth -> working and connected to the email/pw account 
from stackoverflow

Stackoverflow has the possibility to remove the github login now, but the main 
problem is, that I would be out of control, that some of these oauth providers

(please don't go into the discussion WHY they or anyone should do it) could 
access my accounts, when such site would allow them as provider.

In my opionion it would be good to avoid such issues, by including something in 
the standard, that the user MUST allow the connection on both sides on the 

and on the provider.

Yes for sso without any existing account that's some kind of an issue, but 
still it could be added some verification process like sending confirmation link

That the user is accepting the oauth provider on the Client side.

Then the oauth provider would also need access to my emails to access my 

Not sure if I'm wrong here but I think my description is correct.


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