Hi All,

Paul and I would like to draw attention to a new draft we have submitted titled 
“OAuth 2.0 Attestation-Based Client Authentication” which will be presented at 
the up and coming IETF 117 meeting during the Friday meeting slot. This draft 
is related to the group of drafts on verifiable credentials that will be 
presented during this meeting slot. Specifically this draft is intended to 
address but not limited to eIDAS 2.0 usage of OpenID4VCI which requires wallet 
applications to be strongly authenticated via attestations.

The current abstract of the draft is as follows:

“This specification defines a new method of client authentication for OAuth 2.0 
[RFC6749] by extending the approach defined in [RFC7521]. This new method 
enables client deployments that are traditionally viewed as public clients to 
be able to authenticate with the authorization server through an attestation 
based authentication scheme.”

Link to the current editors copy => 
Link to the specification repository => 

[MATTR website]<https://mattr.global/>

Tobias Looker
+64 273 780 461
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