
I support sd-jwt-vc with the will to contribute to its evolution and use it
in the wallet solutions under development

Il ven 26 mag 2023, 16:57 Oliver Terbu <oliver.te...@spruceid.com> ha

> Dear all,
> I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce "SD-JWT-based
> Verifiable Credentials with JSON payloads” (SD-JWT VC):
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-terbu-sd-jwt-vc/
> This proposal builds upon the existing SD-JWT specification by the OAuth
> WG and aims to address certain gaps and provide specific guidance for
> utilizing SD-JWT in the context of Verifiable Credentials. For example,
> while SD-JWT defines how to implement selective disclosure in JWTs (an
> important building block in many Verifiable Credential use cases), it is
> not opinionated about the specific JWT Claim Sets in the payload to
> represent Verifiable Credentials and used with HB-JWT.
> As you may be aware, the SD-JWT specification has already been adopted by
> the OAuth WG and has gained significant traction within the industry.
> However, the SD-JWT specification does not provide explicit guidance on
> using SD-JWT for Verifiable Credentials.
> The eIDAS 2.0 Architecture Reference Framework (ARF) has expressed a keen
> interest in utilizing SD-JWT for Verifiable Credentials, and SD-JWT VC
> became one of the two core credential formats of the European Digital
> Wallet (EUDIW):
> https://github.com/eu-digital-identity-wallet/architecture-and-reference-framework
> Verifiable Credentials play a crucial role in enhancing digital trust and
> enabling secure identity interactions in various domains. To ensure the
> seamless integration of SD-JWT into the eIDAS ARF and similar initiatives,
> it is essential to address the existing gaps in the SD-JWT specification
> specifically relevant to Verifiable Credentials.
> As a general-purpose format, SD-JWT itself is not the right place to
> define these kinds of guidelines. The SD-JWT VC draft proposes to fill
> these gaps by defining additional requirements, clarifying ambiguities, and
> providing concrete guidelines for utilizing SD-JWT in the context of
> Verifiable Credentials. Since SD-JWT VC and SD-JWT are closely related, we
> propose to develop this specification in the OAuth working group.
> Your support and endorsement of this proposal would significantly
> contribute to the advancement of Verifiable Credentials.
> If you have any questions or require additional information regarding the
> "SD-JWT VC" specification or its potential impact, please do not hesitate
> to reach out.
> I’m looking forward to your feedback!
> Oliver Terbu
> --
> Director of Identity Standards, Spruce Systems, Inc.
> oliver.te...@spruceid.com
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