There are certainly similarities between authorization details and scope.
And yes, both are API-specific to some extent. But scope is generally more
coarse-grained while authorization details can have lots of, well, um, very
specific details relating deep into the API. So much so that expressing
those details at the layer of the “WWW-Authenticate” Response Header didn't
seem needed or necessarily appropriate. I realize that's probably not a
satisfying answer but is my understanding of the consensus behind what
ended up in the document. Also the scope param of the “WWW-Authenticate”
response header apparently isn't used a lot in practice so there wasn't a
lot of interest/focus to continue with the construct. Note also that the
document is in the late late stages of the RFC Editors' queue so well past the point of
accepting significant changes. You could, of course, propose new work to
the WG towards this end, if you feel strongly about it. But the RAR
document is basically frozen now.


On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 2:14 AM Oliva Fernandez, Jorge
<> wrote:

> Thanks for the answer, Bryan!
> I’m not sure if I understand correctly, the authorization details are
> API-specific the same as the “scope” right? Let me know if I’m
> misinterpreting something but for me RAR is an evolution of the scope,
> because the scope parameter is not useful for complex authorization
> decision we introduce a new field, with a rich syntax to describe the
> operation that is going to be authorized, right? So, if OAuth define that
> the protected resource is able to indicate problems with the authorization
> bearer using the WWW-Authenticate Response Header Field, is not exactly the
> same case when a protected resource needs the rich authorization?
> Best regards.
> *From: *OAuth <> on behalf of Brian Campbell
> <>
> *Date: *Thursday, 25 May 2023 at 21:30
> *To: *"Oliva Fernandez, Jorge" <Jorge.OlivaFernandez=
> *Cc: *"" <>
> *Subject: *[EXT]Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-rar use of
> “WWW-Authenticate” Response Header
> *CAUTION:* This message is from an EXTERNAL sender – be vigilant,
> particularly with links and attachments. If you suspect it, report it
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> The thinking was generally that params of WWW-Authenticate Response Header
> Field weren't a great fit for rich JSON authorization data (both in syntax
> and semantics).  The authorization detail types are really API-specific
> things, and as a result, it's expected that the methods by which clients
> obtain or generate the authorization details are also API-specific. Not
> sure that exactly answers the question but hopefully helps.
> On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 5:16 AM Oliva Fernandez, Jorge
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been reviewing the last RAR draft (
> and I was
> expecting to find some references about how to use the “WWW-Authenticate”
> Response Header Field defined in RFC6750 (
> in this document.
> I think that RAR is a great idea for complex authorization where a “scope”
> is not enough to describe what you want to authorize, in OAuth 2.0 there
> exist a way for a protected resource to indicate what “scopes” are need it
> to consider the request “authorized”, should not be an standard way to do
> the same for rich authorization request?
> Best regards.
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