Thanks for your input.

All of that would be quite common indeed, but in what way is it better,
from a security perspective, than redirect URIs with wildcards?


Le lun. 6 mars 2023 à 18:28, Vittorio Bertocci <> a
écrit :

> In my experience the most common solution, adopted by many SDKs, is based
> on 2.
> Where you redirect after you concluded the token acquisition ceremony is a
> private consideration for your app, that shouldn’t interfere with how the
> client is registered. Oauth offers you the chance to store and retrieve
> state, you can use that to save the initial requested URL and redirect to
> it after the fact. If you are concerned with injections, you can always
> sign/encryp the state to protect it from tampering.
> All of the above is mainstream, you can observe the traffic from popular
> SDKs to see how that works.
> V.
> On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 09:12 Yannick Majoros <> wrote:
>> *This message originated outside your organization.*
>> ------------------------------
>> Hello,
>> From my understanding, OAuth 2 as well as 2.1 do not allow for wildcards
>> in redirect_uri . Now, a common requirement for a portal or company-wide
>> website, where multiple applications are deployed, is to be able to login
>> and come back to the page from which the login was triggered.
>> How can this be achieved securely with OAuth?
>> Some options:
>> 1) passing a parameter, say *callback_uri*, around from auth request
>> back to redirect from auth server.
>> 2) storing some state, e.g. in session storage, and redirect after login
>> 3) violating the specifications and just use a redirect uri with a
>> wildcard in the last part (some implementations, like keycloak, allow that)
>> 1) and 2) are kind of similar IMO: the application has to validate
>> whatever context comes and redirect to the right page, akin to deep linking
>> But then, outside of some extra validation, I'd prefer to have a standard
>> mechanism (less bypassing the restrictions) as redirect uri than to
>> reinvent the wheel for each application, which is what that kind of
>> callback url does. Also, I'm not sure why that extra validation would
>> improve things in practice: if there is a vulnerability in the application
>> routing code leading to some vulnerable redirect, wouldn't it just be
>> duplicated in that validation step?
>> So, I'm tempted to go for 3, knowing we would have those mitigations:
>> - checking at authorization server whether the redirect is to the same
>> uri the request originally came from
>> - PKCE will restrict reuse of the authorization code anyway
>> What are your thoughts on how to implement that quite common feature?
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> Yannick Majoros
>> Valuya sprl
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Valuya sprl
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