A few things caught my eye in this document:

- Section 4.1 defines the DPoP header field as a JWT, which (as I understand 
it) is a base64-encoded string. If that's the case, I'd recommend making it a 
Structured Field Item (see RFC8941 s 3.3) with a fixed type of Byte Sequence (s 
3.3.5). That will require changing the syntax to add a prefix and suffix of ":".

- The DPoP-Nonce header field's syntax isn't obviously specified. It should be. 
I'd suggest a Structured Field Item with a fixed type of String (RFC 8941 s 
3.3.3), which would surrounding the value with quotes.

- Neither header has interoperable parsing or serialisation specified; 
divergent error handling may cause interoperability problems. Adopting 
Structured Fields would address this.

- See RFC9110 s 16.3.2 for things that should be considered when defining new 
HTTP fields. I suspect that the document needs to be more explicit about at 
least some of these items. Adopting Structured Fields would address some (but 
not all) of these questions.

- See also 
<https://httpwg.org/admin/editors/style-guide#header-and-trailer-fields> for 
the preferred editorial style when defining new HTTP fields.

- The long line-wrapped example in Section 4.1 would benefit from RFC8792 
encoding. In HTTP, a line-wrapped field like the one shown has whitespace 
inserted between each line, which is problematic here.


> On 19 Jan 2023, at 5:30 am, David Dong via RT 
> <drafts-expert-review-comm...@iana.org> wrote:
> Dear Mark Nottingham and Roy Fielding (cc: oauth WG),
> As the designated experts for the http-fields registry, can you review the 
> proposed registration in draft-ietf-oauth-dpop for us? Please see:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-oauth-dpop/
> The due date is February 1st, 2023.
> If this is OK, when the IESG approves the document for publication, we'll 
> make the registration at
> https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-fields/http-fields.xhtml
> We'll wait for both reviewers to respond unless you tell us otherwise.
> With thanks,
> David Dong
> IANA Services Specialist

Mark Nottingham   https://www.mnot.net/

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