
I performed an AD review of draft-ietf-oauth-step-up-authn-challenge-08.  
Thanks for this document.  My feedback is below:

** The text uses the phrase "authentication level" a few times.  Was that a 
phrase that was heavily negotiated?  To me a level implies that some notion of 
linear progression -- level-n+1 is "more security" than level-n; and that there 
is some notion of hierarchy of level-n-1, level-n, and level-n+1.  I didn't see 
that in the construct of an acr claim.  My skim of the OIDC materials suggests 
that an acr is a label assigned to set a requirements for a token.  Is there a 
reference that can be provided to explain the hierarchy of levels?

** Abstract and Section 1.  Editorial consistency.  Does the setup-up 
authentication provide different "authentication strength and/or freshness" 
(Abstract) or "authentication strength or recentness"?  Please choose one.

** Section 2.  Editorial. s/Following is an/The following is an/

** Section 2.
   This document doesn't recommend any
   specific token caching strategy, as that will be dependent on the
   characteristics of every particular scenario.  Also recall that OAuth
   2.0 [RFC6749] assumes access tokens are treated as opaque by clients.
   The token format might be unreadable to the client or might change at
   any time to become unreadable.  So, during the course of any token
   caching strategy, a client must not attempt to inspect the content of
   the access token to determine the associated authentication
   information or other details (see Section 6 of [RFC9068] for a more
   detailed discussion).

The text seems to be suggesting that a caching strategy might be needed but 
noting that the specifics will have to be application specific.  It also 
reminds the reader that tokens are supposed to be opaque and not inspected.  If 
tokens are supposed to be treated as opaque, how exactly does one know which 
token to pull from the cache?  Can the text provide guidance on what non-token 
properties is should be using as an index?  Would it be acr_values + max_age + 

** Section 3.  acr_values is defined here and makes reference to 
"authentication context class reference values" however there is no text or 
reference to define it.

** Section 3.
   max_age  Indicates the allowable elapsed time in seconds since the
      last active authentication event associated with the access token.

Should this definition be clearer on whether the authentication is to the AS or 
to the RS?  The OIDC definition uses "elapsed time in seconds since the last 
time the End-User was actively authenticated by the OP" (Section of 

** Section 4.  Typo. s/precessing/processing/

** Section 5.

   The same section
   also establishes that in case the desired authentication level cannot
   be met, the authorization server SHOULD include in the acr claim a
   value reflecting the authentication level of the current session (if

What is a "authentication level"?  The [OIDC] text in Section says 
that the return acr claim should be the name of the Authentication Context 

** Section 5.  Editorial.
   Section of [OIDC] establishes ...

   The same section also states that if a request includes the
   max_age parameter, the authorization server MUST include the
   auth_time claim in the issued ID Token.  

That section of [OIDC] makes no reference to auth_time.  The guidance on 
auth_time is in Section

** Section 9.  Please add the various security considerations this document 
inherits - 

Proposed NEW:
This specification adds to previously defined OAuth mechanisms.  Their 
respective Security Considerations apply - OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749], JWT access 
tokens [RFC9068], Bearer WWW-Authentication [RFC5750], token introspection 
[RFC7662], and server metadata [RFC8414].

** Section 9.  Editorial.  

   This document should, in no circumstance, be used to position OAuth
   as an authentication protocol.  

This document MUST NOT be used to position OAuth as an authentication protocol. 

** Section 9. Editorial.
   The specification focuses on the
   authentication event of the user with the authorization server by
   which the access token was obtained, so that its characteristics can
   be evaluated by a resource server to determine whether they meet its
   requirements, but relies on a separate authentication layer to take
   care of the mechanics leading to that event.  

Can this sentence is restated?  It's dense to read.

** Section 9.
  Depending on the
   policies adopted by the resource server, the acr_values parameter
   introduced in Section 3 might unintentionally disclose information
   about the authenticated user, the resource itself, the authorization
   server, and any other context-specific data that an attacker might
   use to gain knowledge about their target.  

Can this text be more specific on what linkability there is between acr_values 
and the user/RS/AS.

** Section 9.  
   resource server is free to choose whatever method fits best for its
   needs, however, it's important to remember that returning a challenge
   without having verified that the caller presented a valid token
   (according to the validation method of choice) might mean disclosing
   information to an actor that didn't prove it had the ability to
   obtain a valid token for the resource server, albeit of insufficient

Editorial recommendation and restatement of what's being disclosed more 

NEW Proposed:

(new paragraph)
The resource server MAY return a challenge without verifying the client 
presented a valid token. However, this approach will leak the required 
properties of an authorization token to an actor who has not proven they can 
obtain a token for this resource server.


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