On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 5:18 PM Dmitry Telegin <dmitryt=
40backbase....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> To sum up, my idea is that in cases when we can unambiguously establish
> the scheme used, we should include error info into the corresponding
> challenge only. In cases of ambiguity, both challenges should be used to
> deliver error info. If this make sense, could it be worth covering this
> topic in the spec?

Is there some text you could propose that offers guidance along those
lines? Probably to go in sec 7.2, which is where multiple authentication
schemes are mentioned. Your idea seems like a generally appropriate
approach. I don't believe there's necessarily a right or wrong though. Some
general guidance could be helpful but I'd be hesitant about going further.

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