- DPoP and Step-Up (hello Brian :)

TL;DR: can we use DPoP and Step-Up together?

The question is probably more about understanding of the process rather
than technical details. If I understand correctly, Step-Up is meant to
amend/extend RFC 6750. Can we say that the features defined in Step-Up
automatically become available for the specs that build on top of 6750,
e.g. DPoP? In other words, would the following response be considered valid:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: DPoP algs="ES256 PS256",
  error_description="A different authentication level is required",

- DPoP conformance
Is there any "official" conformance suite that could be used to test an
AS/RS for DPoP conformance? would that be the OIDC Conformance Suite (its
FAPI2 part)?

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