
I performed an AD review on draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-11.  Thanks for this 
document.  Comments below.

** The document has 6 listed authors.  Could this rationale for this be 
explained on the list and captured in the shepherd write-up.

** Section 2.
   BREACH, Heartbleed, and the Cloudflare parser bug are some examples). There 
have also been numerous published token theft attacks on OAuth
   implementations themselves

Good pointers.  Could informative references be provided for them.

** Section 4.2.

alg: a digital signature algorithm identifier such as per

Shouldn't this text constraint the algorithm identifier as coming from a 
registry pointed to in RFC7518 (i.e., 

** Section 4.1.

htm: The HTTP method of the request to which the JWT is attached,
      as defined in [RFC9110]. 

Shouldn't the values in this field come from the registry HTTP methods registry:
https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-methods/http-methods.xhtml?  RFC9110 
specifies the semantics of the fields, not the values.

** Section 4.1.  Shouldn't these text read like the description of htm:

The HTTP target URI (Section 7.1 of [RFC9110]), without query
      and fragment parts. 

The HTTP target URI (Section 7.1 of [RFC9110]), without query and fragment 
parts of the request to which the JWT is attached.

** Section 4.2.  Editorial.

But that it be a minimal  subset of the HTTP data so as to
   avoid the substantial difficulties inherent in attempting to
   normalize HTTP messages.

This design approach of using only a minimal  subset of the HTTP header data is 
to avoid the substantial difficulties inherent in attempting to normalize HTTP 

** Section 4.3.  Editorial.  Clarifying.

the header field value is a well-formed JWT,

the DPoP HTTP request header field value is a well-formed JWT,

** Section 4.3.

the alg JOSE header parameter indicates an asymmetric digital
      signature algorithm, is not none, is supported by the application,
      and is deemed secure,

-- check feedback already provided in Section 4.2 about this field pointing to 
a value in a JOSE registry
-- "is deemed secure" seems open ended.  Perhaps "and is acceptable per local 

** Section 5.  Normative language

The client must discard the response in this case,

The client MUST ...

** Section 5.1.  Cite the relevant registry which would the source of JWS alg 
values in the dpop_signing_alg_values_supported array

** Section 7

   Binding the token value to the proof in this way prevents a
   calculated proof to be used with multiple different access token
   values across different requests.  

What makes a proof "calculated"?

** Section 7.

its inclusion strongly
   binds the access token value to the holder of the key used to
   generate the signature.

Is "strongly binds" the same as "cryptographically binds"?  "Strong" is used in 
the next paragraph too.  Please review it.

** Section 10.1.  Editorial.

The dpop_jkt parameter can be used as described above to bind the
      issued authorization code to a specific key.

The dpop_jkt parameter can be used as described in Section 10 to bind the 
issued authorization code to a specific key.

** Section 10.1.  Typo. s/distingush/distinguish/

**  Section 11.1.  Editorial.  Recommend unpacking this dense sentence.

   To prevent multiple uses of the same DPoP proof servers can store, in
   the context of the target URI, the jti value of each DPoP proof for
   the time window in which the respective DPoP proof JWT would be
   accepted and decline HTTP requests to the same URI for which the jti
   value has been seen before. 
To prevent multiple uses of the same DPoP proof, servers can store, in    the 
context of the target URI, the jti value of each DPoP proof for    the time 
window in which the respective DPoP proof JWT would be    accepted.  HTTP 
requests to the same URI for which the jti value has been seen before would be 

**  Section 11.1.  Recommend unpacking this dense sentence.

Because clock skews between servers
   and clients may be large, servers may choose to limit DPoP proof
   lifetimes by using server-provided nonce values containing the time
   at the server rather than comparing the client-supplied iat time to
   the time at the server, yielding intended results even in the face of
   arbitrarily large clock skews.

Because clock skews between servers
and clients may be large, servers MAY limit DPoP proof lifetimes by using 
server-provided nonce values containing the time at the server rather than 
comparing the client-supplied iat time to the time at the server.  Nonces 
created in this way yield the same result even in the face of arbitrarily large 
clock skews.

**  Section 11.1.  Editorial.

If jti is enforced unique for
   the lifetime of the nonce, there is no additional risk of token

As long as the jti value is unique for the lifetime of the nonce, there is no 
additional risk of token

 ** Section 11.2.  Editorial.  Wouldn't it be more precise to mention that the 
DPoP proofs are tied to endpoints

An attacker in control of the client can pre-generate DPoP proofs for
   use arbitrarily far into the future by choosing the iat value in the
   DPoP proof to be signed by the proof-of-possession key.

An attacker in control of the client can pre-generate DPoP proofs for specific 
end points to use arbitrarily far into the future by choosing the iat value in 
the DPoP proof to be signed by the proof-of-possession key.

** Section 11.5.  In additional saying that the typ field should be checked, 
perhaps add that the value it must be set to -- "dpop+jwt"

** Section 12.17.1.  I understand the intent of the change.  I am going to need 
to consult with IANA on how to handle a modification to a registry entry for 
which the IETF is not the change controller.

** Section 12.8.  Why is the "Permanent Message Header Field Name" registry 
being used instead of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Field Name 
Registry" at https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-fields/http-fields.xhtml.  
See Section 5.1 of RFC9110.

** Section 11.8.  I'd like to have a deeper conversation about the algorithm 
agility for the three data elements - ath, jkt and dpop_jkt - which have SHA256 

Regardless if more deeper changes are made, dpop_jkt needs to be mentioned in 
this section.  Additionally, the guidance of how to use a different algorithm 
would required a bit more text.  In addition to specifying and registering the 
claim, some document would also have to update this document to allow it's use 
and the explain the new guidance for ath and jkt. 

Stepping back, given that ath and jkt are being invented by this spec, what is 
the argument for hardcoding the hash algorithm?  Why not future-proof them now 
by redefining ath/jkt to be a more complicated data structure with a hash 
algorithm identifier + the hash value?  What would be the penalty for doing 
that?  I do see a long list of implementations in the shepherd report.


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