The following errata report has been submitted for RFC8252,
"OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps".

You may review the report below and at:

Type: Technical
Reported by: Keepn <>

Section: Global

Original Text
Apps can initiate an authorization request in the browser, without
the user leaving the app, through the "SFSafariViewController" class
or its successor "SFAuthenticationSession", which implement the in-
app browser tab pattern.  Safari can be used to handle requests on
old versions of iOS without in-app browser tab functionality

Corrected Text
Apps can initiate an authorization request in the browser, without
the user leaving the app, through the "ASWebAuthenticationSession"
class or its successors "SFAuthenticationSession" and
"SFSafariViewController", which implement the in-app browser tab
pattern.  The first of these allows calls to a handler registered
for the AS URL, consistent with Section 7.2. The latter two classes,
now deprecated, can use Safari to handle requests on old versions of
iOS without in-app browser tab functionality.

SFAuthenticationSession documentation reflects deprecated status:

Here's the documentation for ASWebAuthenticationSession:
This sort of change to update for events since the time of publication is not 
appropriate for an erratum; errata are intended solely to indicate errors in a 
document that were errors at the time of publication. A revision of the 
document or a new document with an "Updates:" relationship would be more 
appropriate ways to indicate that the situation has changed.

This erratum is currently posted as "Reported". If necessary, please
use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should be verified or
rejected. When a decision is reached, the verifying party  
can log in to change the status and edit the report, if necessary. 

RFC8252 (draft-ietf-oauth-native-apps-12)
Title               : OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps
Publication Date    : October 2017
Author(s)           : W. Denniss, J. Bradley
Category            : BEST CURRENT PRACTICE
Source              : Web Authorization Protocol
Area                : Security
Stream              : IETF
Verifying Party     : IESG

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