"the AS can directly issue the restricted token"
-> The use-case is issuance decoupled (ie happens asynchronously) from 
presentation, so AS cannot directly issue a restricted token.

"Can you list them out succinctly"
-> For example this thread talked in detail about issuer issuing usbsets of 
JWTs vs SD-JWT approach in a decoupled flow. 

From: Warren Parad <wparad=40rhosys...@dmarc.ietf.org>
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2022 1:41 PM
To: Kristina Yasuda <kristina.yas...@microsoft.com>
Cc: Warren Parad <wpa...@rhosys.ch>; Daniel Fett <m...@danielfett.de>; 
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for adoption - SD-JWT

Can you list them out succinctly, because I don't feel like they have been? The 
reason I say that, is if all the entities are online, then the AS can directly 
issue the restricted token. So the only argument I can see there is "We want to 
reduce the load on AS by delegating some proportion of the AS responsibilities 
to the user's client". Although in that case, should we really stop at SD-JWT, 
or should we go for a solution that actually allows user-clients issued tokens 
to do more than share user claim values?

On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 3:32 PM Kristina Yasuda 
Yes, SD-JWT is not complete and that's exactly why we are asking for a WG 
adoption. The questions you are asking are better answered in the WG, 

Thank you,

PS. Offline claim transmission is not the only "feature" of SD-JWT for all of 
the reasons that have been previously outlined in this thread.

De : OAuth <oauth-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org>> de la part 
de Warren Parad 
Envoyé : vendredi, août 5, 2022 6:25 AM
À : Daniel Fett
Cc : oauth@ietf.org<mailto:oauth@ietf.org>
Objet : Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for adoption - SD-JWT

It's clear that good thought has been put into the core of it, more so than 
other drafts submitted, but not yet feature complete.

For example there is no sense of how the private/public key exchange actually 
happens. In holder binding scenario, it isn't detailed how to actually include 
the public key in the sub_jwk claim, or what a "reference" to the public key 
actually means. Is the server an AS as in OAuth?, or are we building on top of 
another token creation standard? If it is OAuth, It isn't clear if we need a 
new indicator in the token response that tells us that the salt container is 
attached to the token and that it shouldn't blindly be passed along. It isn't 
clear from this discussion if we need token revocation.

Assuming it is the OAuth token exchange that we are building on top of, there 
are lots of open questions of interoperability. I.e. Does the digest go in the 
access token? If it isn't OAuth, we don't have any guide on how to actually do 
the token generation, how to verify the signature of the token with the digest, 
and I'm sure there are more things.

We don't need to have both in the same WG, that wasn't my point, the point is 
if there is a concrete reason that others aren't working on it, I wanted to 
know why. There are JWPs, I don't know anything about them, but it doesn't 
really matter if they have different approaches, different cryptos, etc... 
Let's look at the features, that's at the core of what matters. So far the only 
feature we've been able to nail down is offline claim transmission. Will JWPs 
support offline claim transmission?

On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 11:55 AM Daniel Fett 
It's not that the people I have spoken to didn't like the idea of SD-JWT. It's 
just on a different layer than JWPs, using a different approach, different 
crypto, providing different features, and on a different timeline. There's no 
compelling reason to have both in the same WG. There are nonetheless good 
reasons to have SD-JWT. Having SD-JWT in OAuth WG is not an attempt to 
"backdoor" anything in!

I also didn't say that we should adopt SD-JWT because it has been implemented. 
You took my statement out of context. I wanted to underline that the spec is 
practically feature-complete and can be implemented today, providing the 
features promised. Meanwhile, JWP is not there yet.

But, SD-JWT is not in production yet. If the OAuth WG decides that substantial 
changes are required, now is the best time for that.

Also, I wanted to highlight with my statement that SD-JWT is easy to implement 
due to its simplicity.

Am 5. August 2022 11:28:49 MESZ schrieb Warren Parad 
Maybe they have a good reason for not wanting it, and then we shouldn't be the 
WG that backdoor's it in. Also: "other people have already implemented it" is a 
cognitive fallacy, so let's not use that as a justification we have to make the 

We should get a concrete reason why a WG that seems like the appropriate one, 
thinks it wouldn't make sense. If it is just a matter of timing, then whatever. 
But if there are concrete recommendations from that group, I would love to hear 

On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 10:26 AM Daniel Fett 
Am 05.08.22 um 10:22 schrieb Warren Parad:
> and nobody involved in the JWP effort thinks that SD-JWT should be in that WG 
> once created


For the reasons listed, I guess?

Also, mind the "As far as I am aware" part, but I don't remember any 
discussions in that direction at IETF114.


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