I concur with Brian's evaluation of these proposed changes.

-- Mike

From: OAuth <oauth-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Brian Campbell 
Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2022 1:53:17 PM
To: Spencer Balogh <spbal...@gmail.com>
Cc: oauth@ietf.org <oauth@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Feedback for draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-09

Thanks Spencer,

As you've likely surmised by now, my appetite for changes is fairly small at 
this point. But I can see the value in adding the corresponding decoded content 
in those spots for readability. So would definitely welcome a PR that is scoped 
to just that.

On Sun, Jul 3, 2022 at 7:27 PM Spencer Balogh 
<spbal...@gmail.com<mailto:spbal...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Brian,

I'd definitely be happy to get the nonce and client considerations changes in, 
and I'm happy to propose more text tweaks if there's still any ambiguity there. 
Those were some of my largest concerns as a potential server or client 
implementer of this spec.

With respect to # PR Fully specified 
examples<https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/pull/160>, I can definitely 
understand the concerns around the private key and <Signature>, and I was 
feeling mixed on that in the first place. Would there be more appetite for this 
with the private keys and signatures removed, or at least adding a 
corresponding decoded content figure to `Figure 4: Token Request for a DPoP 
sender-constrained token using an authorization code`, and `Figure 6: Token 
Request for a DPoP-bound Token using a Refresh Token`, similar to `Figure 12: 
DPoP Protected Resource Request`'s corresponding `Figure 13: Decoded Content of 
the DPoP Proof JWT in Figure 12`. I think the decoded messages in particular 
help readability a good bit. I suppose this is getting into my preferences as 
well though. :)

Also understood on the layer violation for `dpop_signing_alg_values_supported` 
in validation. I'll go ahead and close that one.

Let me know what you think.

Spencer Balogh

On Fri, Jul 1, 2022 at 3:26 PM Brian Campbell 
<bcampb...@pingidentity.com<mailto:bcampb...@pingidentity.com>> wrote:
Hi Spencer,

Thanks for the interest and feedback, even if it's a little late in the game.

I think the proposed changes in # PR Nonce clarifications, more complete 
documentation, and guidance<https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/pull/157> 
are a nice improvement that closes the disconnect you pointed out. We'll need 
to produce a new -10 draft revision with updates from the Shepherd Review and 
I'd like to incorporate the content of this PR in that as well. Unless there 
are meaningful objections from the WG. I don't think that's overstepping things 
too much process-wise and I assume the Chairs will speak up if it is.

The new subsection in # PR Proposal Section 7.2 Client 
Considerations<https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/pull/158> seems 
reasonable. Barring any objections from the WG, this can probably be 
incorporated as well.

The changes in # PR Fully specified 
examples<https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/pull/160> are too much at 
this stage. Some of the JSON is invalid. There are stylistic and aesthetic 
differences and then inconsistencies. I think the private key does hurt in this 
context because it's a potential distraction and might lead to readers trying 
to reproduce the proofs (which won't work b/c ES256 isn't deterministic). There 
may be other objections but even this has involved a not insignificant amount 
of time.  Admittedly some of this is subjective or preference based but 
hopefully you can understand that there's risk and cost involved. And it's late 
in the process.

The  # PR Checking DPoP Proofs 
tweaks<https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/pull/159> change is not 
workable because it pulls an authorization server specific construct as a 
normative requirement into a section that applies to both authorization server 
and resource server. It's kind of like a compile time error for a spec, if 
there was such a thing. The note about order not being implied could be added 
tho. Or the list could be changed to use bullets and not have numbering. I 
don't recall there being any real reason for the numbering.

On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 10:12 AM Spencer Balogh 
<spbal...@gmail.com<mailto:spbal...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm new to all of this, please forgive me if I'm missing any expectations or 
conventions here.

I have a bit of feedback for OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the 
Application Layer
(DPoP) draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-09 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-dpop). I'm aware that 
you're already after the Working Group Last Call, so I'm trying to come in with 
mostly non-normative changes, and with draft suggestions rather than just open 
questions. I've opened several pull requests against the RFC repo so that 
needed changes can be easily incorporated, and not get blocked by changes that 
are more my preference.

I also wanted to follow up here to provide a little bit more context on the 
change proposals.

# PR Nonce clarifications, more complete documentation, and guidance


It seems like there might be a little bit of a disconnect between what has been 
discussed around nonces and what's actually present in the draft. I saw that 
there's a previous edit suggesting a "recently supplied" nonce, and that's more 
in line with my expectations than the previous draft, but it's immediately 
followed by a paragraph starting with "The intent is that both clients and 
servers need to keep only one nonce value for one another."

I made a couple changes to revise this statement to suggest the server keeps a 
window of recent nonces, to add "nonce" to the syntax section of the document, 
and to add a few more details to the nonce section of `DPoP Proof Replay 

# PR Proposal Section 7.2 Client Considerations


Added a `Client Considerations` sub-section to `Protected Resource Access 
{#protected-resource-access}`. I think there's a lot of potential to get retry 
on idempotent requests wrong here going forward. This is regularly handled at 
an HTTP client level, and that is likely to thrash for some server 
implementations. I added a recommendation to generate a new DPoP proof for 
retry, even if it's something they've previously considered a transient error.

I don't really have guidance for improving this spec in environments where 
there are frequent network errors, but it seems like a concern worth 
considering as well for implementers.

# PR Fully specified examples


Added nonce to the DPoP proof examples.

Added decoded DPoP proofs to examples. It's nice to not have to decode while 
looking at examples.

Additionally, added references to the private keys used for signing and 
repeated the requirement to redact private key material from requests a few 
more times. I'm not sure if it's unconventional to include a private key in a 
RFC, but it's a throwaway key, and reiterating private key redaction in DPoP 
proofs a few more times seems like it couldn't hurt.

# PR Checking DPoP Proofs tweaks


In `Checking DPoP Proofs {#checking}`:

`alg` checking seems vague, especially around "is deemed secure". Adding a 
reference to `dpop_signing_alg_values_supported` here instead, and moving the 
details of algorithm selection to that metadata section instead.

Clarifying that order is not implied by the numbering of this list.

Fixing link to RFC3986.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for improving these change 

Spencer Balogh
OAuth mailing list

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