Hello Rifaat, Brian, Vittorio, everyone,

As a follow up to the last IETF meeting, I've reviewed the step up
authentication draft again.

Aside from a number of typos and what was shared and discussed at the IETF
meeting in person I believe the mechanism could use an AS discovery

I believe that a call for adoption is in order so that this document may
get worked on under the working group process.

*Filip Skokan*

On Wed, 20 Apr 2022 at 18:31, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef <rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com>

> Gentlemen,
> During the last IETF meeting, you volunteered to review the step-up
> authentication draft.
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-bertocci-oauth-step-up-authn-challenge
> Can you please review the document and provide your feedback on the
> mailing list?
> Thanks,
>  Rifaat
OAuth mailing list

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