> I would like to prevent clients from sharing their access tokens. I am wondering if requiring clients to include the "client secret" in the resource access request (in addition to the access token) is a valid strategy.

Sender-constrained access tokens are suggested in the current security best practice guide here. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics-19#section-2.2

So yes!

- Jim Manico

On 3/2/22 8:18 AM, Warren Parad wrote:
Is there a reason you wouldn't want to use the access token to access these resources? That seems like it would be the optimal strategy.


Warren Parad

Founder, CTO

Secure your user data with IAM authorization as a service. Implement Authress <https://authress.io/>.

On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 4:58 PM Nikos Fotiou <fot...@aueb.gr> wrote:

    Hi all,

    I am working on a use case where the Authorization Server and the
    Resource Server are the same entity. I would like to prevent
    clients from sharing their access tokens. I am wondering if
    requiring clients to include the "client secret" in the resource
    access request (in addition to the access token) is a valid
    strategy. This way clients would have to share their "client
    secret" in addition to the access token. Would that work?

    Nikos Fotiou - http://pages.cs.aueb.gr/~fotiou
    Researcher - Mobile Multimedia Laboratory
    Athens University of Economics and Business

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Manicode Security
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