Hello Daniel!

Some time ago I started an open source project: Loginbuddy.
Loginbuddy is a tool that mainly supports OpenID Connect based logins.

It can be deployed as a standalone service or be used as a side-car next to
other docker containers in the same network.

Although it is not necessarily a library, it may be worth looking into it.
I could imagine that Loginbuddy would also be a good starting point for
extensions that serve more flows and more general features of OAuth/ OpenID
Connect. With more contributors I see a chance for Loginbuddy to be more
widely used and help address your concerns.

Please have a look here:

I just updated the web site. Or visit the GitHub project:

In any case, that is my current contribution to the developer community.


On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 9:18 AM Daniel Fett <f...@danielfett.de> wrote:

> *Hi all,*
> * While helping clients to onboard into the yes ecosystem, in my
> consulting work, and in discussions with developers implementing OAuth 2.0,
> one topic comes up increasingly often: The (somewhat frustrating) lack of
> good, modern, and universal OAuth libraries.  Many of the libraries out
> there have one or more of the following drawbacks:  * They are not
> maintained any longer  * They are not well documented (e.g., it is often
> unclear which specifications are supported)  * They support only a subset
> of the OAuth 2.0 specification  * They work only with selected providers
> (e.g., Google, Facebook, etc.)  * It is unclear whether they follow recent
> security recommendations  * They do not support modern features, such as
> PKCE, AS Metadata, MTLS, etc. Exceptions exist, of course, like Filip's
> Node.js implementation and the nimbus library for Java. But apart from
> those rare cases, when a developer asks me what library to use, my answer
> is often: "I don't think there's a good one in your language". It is a
> telltale sign that many providers of OAuth protected APIs also provide a
> custom OAuth implementation in their SDKs, which they then often have to
> maintain for a number of languages. This creates unnecessary costs and
> friction, e.g., when introducing new security features. At the same time,
> practically every language/framework comes with a TLS stack and making
> HTTPS requests is often just a few lines of code. Why aren't we there yet
> with OAuth? I'm well aware that OAuth 2.0 is a framework, not a single
> protocol like TLS, but the mentioned libraries show that this does not
> preclude a comprehensive library support. If I had to speculate about the
> reasons for this mess, I'd say that there are three:  * The core of OAuth
> is easy to implement. The need to create or use a library might not be
> obvious to developers. Of course, if you want a proper implementation with
> correct error handling, observing all the security recommendations, etc.,
> the effort is huge. But just getting OAuth to work for one specific use
> case is relatively easy.  * OAuth is traditionally hard to configure:
> authorization and token endpoint URLs, client id and secret, supported
> scopes (and claims for OIDC), supported response types and modes, and
> required security features are just some of the things a developer has to
> figure out - often from the API's documentation - to get everything up and
> running. Even though configuration is not the same as implementation, I
> imagine that this complexity can lead to the perception that there are
> barely any commonalities between different OAuth flows. There might be no
> value, after all, in an OAuth library, if I have to provide so many details
> myself.  * With many extensions and specifications to choose from, it can
> be hard to select a reasonable subset to support.  What can we do about
> this? I'm not sure, but I have a few ideas.  * Of course, one step would be
> to increase visibility and documentation for existing implementations:
> Beyond listing libraries (like the list on oauth.net <http://oauth.net>),
> it would be great to have a place to go to to find libraries based on their
> feature support. I'm sure there are more good libraries out there.  * The
> OpenID Foundation has a great set of conformance tests for OIDC, FAPI and
> other stuff. Creating conformance tests for OAuth would be harder, given
> that the framework leaves many options for implementers to choose from. I’m
> not sure if running a conformance programme would be in the scope of IETF,
> but it can be worthwhile to think about if we could support such an
> endeavor.  * The single most important thing to do would, in my opinion, be
> to set a goal: Tell library developers and language maintainers what can be
> expected from a good, modern, and universal OAuth library. Such a
> recommendation would shine a light on the most important extensions for
> OAuth like PKCE and might even be a prerequisite for conformance tests. It
> may turn out to be OAuth 2.1 or something else. For me, this would in any
> case include AS Metadata, as that is the single most valuable building
> block we have to address configuration complexity.  I would be interested
> to hear what others think about this. Is this a problem worth addressing?
> Are there other solutions? Is this out of scope of our work here?  -Daniel *
> -- https://danielfett.de
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