Then perhaps what is in order is to replace 7638, before moving forward
with this one, that way we don't end up in state where implementations are
based on unnecessary complexity which isn't backwards compatible.

Warren Parad

Founder, CTO
Secure your user data with IAM authorization as a service. Implement
Authress <>.

On Sat, Feb 5, 2022 at 6:47 PM Mike Jones <Michael.Jones=> wrote:

> David, I believe your objections below are actually about the JWK
> Thumbprint [RFC 7638 <>]
> computation used by this specification, and not the operation defined by
> this specification.  JWK Thumbprint became an RFC in 2015.
> This specification
> <>
> defines how to create a JWK Thumbprint URI by concatenating the URI prefix “
> urn:ietf:params:oauth:jwk-thumbprint” to an RFC 7638 JWK Thumbprint.
> That’s all it does.  That’s why Rifaat’s statement “*The JWK Thumbprint
> URI document is a simple and straightforward specification*” is indeed
> correct.
>                                                        Best wishes,
>                                                        -- Mike
> *From:* OAuth <> *On Behalf Of * David Chadwick
> *Sent:* Friday, February 4, 2022 9:55 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for JWK Thumbprint URI document
> On 02/02/2022 12:18, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef wrote:
> All,
> The *JWK Thumbprint URI *document is a simple and
> straightforward specification.
> Actually this is a complex and inefficient specification compared to other
> possibilities.
> I have written an Internet-Draft outlining an alternative scheme, the JWK
> URI, which provides OIDC SIOPv2 with all the requirements that it needs
> with much less effort than implementing JWK Thumbprint URIs. I am currently
> formatting this I-D correctly to submit to the IETF. The rationale for this
> new Internet Draft is as follows.
> To produce or validate a JWK Thumbprint, both the sender and the receiver
> have to have the JWK available to them. Then they have to canonicalise the
> JWK as described in [RFC7638], and finally hash the octets of the UTF-8
> representation of this JSON object with a pre-agreed algorithm in order to
> both obtain the same hash value. The way that the JWK Thumbprint URI is
> used in SIOPv2 [SIOPv2] is as follows:
>    1. the SIOP creates an asymmetric key pair and encodes the public key
>    as a JWK
>    2. the SIOP creates the JWK Thumbprint as described in [RFC7638] and
>    converts it to a URI as described in [JONES],
>    3. the SIOP passes both the JWK and JWK Thumbprint URI to the RP in
>    the JWT,
>    4. the RP extracts the JWK and JWK Thumbprint from the JWT
>    5. the RP re-computes the JWK Thumbprint from the JWK
>    6. the RP compares the computed JWK Thumbprint with the received JWK
>    Thumbprint to confirm that they are equal.
> One can see that the use of JWK Thumbprint URIs is both inefficient (in
> all cases) and a significant disadvantage (in some cases). If the JWK URI
> is transferred instead of the JWK and JWK Thumbprint URI then:
> a) The SIOP will never need to create the JWK Thumbprint URI. The RP may
> only need to create the JWK Thumbprint if it needs this, for example, as a
> unique subject identifier. Even in this case, there is still an advantage
> to the RP in receiving the JWK URI instead of the JWK Thumprint URI, in
> that the RP no longer needs to pre-agree a hashing algorithm with the SIOP.
> Thus the RP can independently determine which hashing algorithm to use when
> creating its own JWK Thumbprint. (Note. If the SIOP were able to
> canonicalise the same public key in a JWK in different ways and produce
> different thumbprints from the same public key, then the canonicalisation
> algorithm is broken, and the RP would never to able to deterministically
> produce the same thumbprints each time.)
> b) In those cases where the SIOP uses ephemeral key pairs and a different
> public key each time it communicates with an RP, then neither party needs
> to produce the JWK Thumbprint as it will never be seen again. It is a
> significant disadvantage to have to use JWK Thumbprints in this case.
> I therefore kindly request that the JWK Thumbprint URI document does not
> progress until the WG has had chance to compare and contrast the two
> methods.
> Kind regards
> David
> This is a WG Last Call for this document:
> Please, provide your feedback on the mailing list by *Feb 16th*.
> Regards,
>  Rifaat & Hannes
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