I tend to agree that the requirement to send errors back to the original domain 
is "over-zealous". It's also looping prone at scale - I've seen many a buggy 
https://contoso.example that issues a request to 
 and gets an error response https://contoso.example?error=invalid_request and 
promptly issues the same login request with an updated state value again - 
https://contoso.example?error%3Dinvalid_request. In practice, I think most 
large scale OAuth providers end up implementing some sort of loop breaking 
behavior (which is inevitably not-by-spec, as it returns a 200/4xx error page 
rather than a 302 redirect, even though the redirect_uri is "correct"). While 
not all of these looping cases come from invalid_request, probably the majority 

With that said, I do it is useful for apps to get error reports with specific 
error descriptions to their domain. At first glance, I wonder why the STS 
couldn't choose the notify the app's error URI AJAX (or even S2S) - this would 
break loops and fix open redirects, while maintaining diagnosability.

Prompt=none is unfortunately, the one really hard case, as redirection is 
essential for the UX. I've previously had discussions around logic like:

  1.  Permit prompt=none if domainCheck(headers.Referer, request.redirectUri) 
== true
  2.  Permit prompt=none if login_hint present and that user has previously 
signed into the app in that browser session
  3.  Otherwise, deny prompt=none. (invalid_request)
There is a suggestion that #1 should cover the "optimistic auth" case and #2 
should cover the "reauth" case, and those are all the use cases for 
prompt=none. This would block open redirectors, apart from the domain the user 
is already present on, which is really not much of an attack at all. However, 
"Referer" remains controversial.

I'm fairly dubious of phishing filters. They work ok at scale (i.e. for broad 
rather than targeted attacks), but domains are cheap. I'd rather see standards 
try to fix this, than patch it with phishing filters.


From: OAuth <oauth-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Brian Campbell
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 1:44 PM
To: Hans Zandbelt <hans.zandb...@zmartzone.eu>
Cc: oauth <oauth@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] [EXTERNAL] Re: OAuth Redirection Attacks

Yeah, I think it has been discussed before. And if I'm understanding correctly, 
it is unfortunately a tricky area. It sounds like more or less the same thing 
as "Abuse: The Authorization Server As Open 
 described in the dormant WG draft, which is ultimately predicated on a client 
being registered with a malicious redirect URI. The twist in that Proofpoint 
article seems to be using it to evade detection by products/services that scan 
email for phishing links.

The "obvious" answer would be to prevent malicious client registration in the 
first place. But that's not tenable in many, many situations. Providing some 
more guidance about the importance of being as prudent as possible there 
couldn't hurt though.

A couple other things that could be considered (acknowledging that the details 
of providing guidance that might impact protocol is very tricky):

Require the redirect_uir parameter on the authorization request in all cases 
(even when only one is registered for a given client). This would make it so 
the malicious URL couldn't be entirely hidden from the email filters.

Relax how aggressively OAuth demands that the AS automatically redirect in 
error conditions. And either respond with a 400 directly (which just stops 
things at that point) or provide a meaningful interstitial page to the user 
before redirecting them (which at least helps users see something is amiss). I 
do think OAuth is a bit overzealous in automatically returning the user's 
browser context to the client in error conditions. There are some situations 
(like prompt=none) that rely on the behavior but in most cases it isn't 
necessary or helpful and can be problematic.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 1:59 PM Hans Zandbelt 
<hans.zandb...@zmartzone.eu<mailto:hans.zandb...@zmartzone.eu>> wrote:
AFAIK this topic has been discussed before, e.g.:


On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 9:44 PM Pieter Kasselman 
The problem isn't invalid URLs but malicious ones. Given a choice between a 
sub-optimal user experience and a phished end-user, perhaps an option that 
allows the authorization server to handle the error, rather than redirecting 
can serve end-users better. But as Vittorio points, out, there are probably 
other options as well to consider. URL reputation services is another option, 
but problematic since they are imperfect and I expect hard to standardise to a 
point that creates a common minimum level of assurance (similar to any fraud 
calculation or risk score).

From: Warren Parad 
Sent: Friday 17 December 2021 20:27
To: Pieter Kasselman 
Cc: Vittorio Bertocci <vitto...@auth0.com<mailto:vitto...@auth0.com>>; oauth 
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Redirection Attacks

You want to redirect on some errors because the last thing an AS wants is to 
leave the user in the AS because the user can't do anything there and the AS 
can't do anything either. It's just bad UX. But if the redirect url isn't 
valid, this is absolutely the time that the AS should keep the user there for 
user's protection.  Any AS redirecting the user to an invalid redirect url, 
isn't doing the right thing.

But that only solves the illegitimate phishing urls, it doesn't solve the class 
of problem where a phishing application is legitimately registered.

[Image removed by sender.]

Warren Parad

Founder, CTO
Secure your user data with IAM authorization as a service. Implement 

On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 9:23 PM Pieter Kasselman 
Agreed that the attackers goal is to bypass phishing filters and they found a 
way to achieve this by using an IdP that adheres to the standards. I don't have 
the context for the design choice to redirect on an error condition, but am 
curious why the IdP should not be allowed to handle the error condition, rather 
than redirect (or at least have the option to do so)?

From: OAuth <oauth-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org>> On Behalf 
Of Vittorio Bertocci
Sent: Friday 17 December 2021 19:55
To: Warren Parad 
Cc: oauth <oauth@ietf.org<mailto:oauth@ietf.org>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Redirection Attacks

The attack doesn't rely on redirecting to unregistered URLs, that's the problem.
The goal of the attack is to circumvent phishing filters, by presenting a URL 
from a legitimate domain (the AS) that eventually redirects to the actual 
phishing URL. The actual phishing page doesn't need to target the same 
authorization server, or an authorization server at all for that matter.
An attacker can register a legitimate app on any authorization server as a 
service, on their own tenant. The goal is just to have a starting URL that 
phishing filters won't block, and the attacker is in full control of the 
redirect URIs they register in their own tenant.

My take: it might be tricky to change the redirect on error behavior at this 
point, but we should at least note the issue in the security 
considerations/BCPs and possibly give some advice. For example, on top of my 
head: AS should expose their endpoints on a domain dedicated to OAuth/OIDC 
operations, and avoid using its top level domains (different area/service, but 
 so that if a phishing filter decides to block direct links to the issuing 
endpoints will only impact things like IdP initiated flows (solvable by adding 
jumpstart endpoints on the RP anyway, just like IdP initiated sign in works in 
OIDC). I am sure there are lots of other things we can come up with that can 
make the problem better.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 5:00 AM Warren Parad 
<wparad=40rhosys...@dmarc.ietf.org<mailto:40rhosys...@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:
I think this just falls into the category of never redirect the user to a url 
that doesn't match one of the preregistered redirect urls (or logout urls for 
that matter). Any application that has redirects anywhere provides an 
opportunity for this attack vector, OAuth isn't unique in that way, it just is 
consistent and documented. And the 2.1 draft is pretty clear on this front:

   If the request fails due to a missing, invalid, or mismatching
   redirect URI, or if the client identifier is missing or invalid, the
   authorization server SHOULD inform the resource owner of the error
   and MUST NOT automatically redirect the user agent to the invalid
   redirect URI.

I want to call this attack vector "illegitimate phishing applications" which is 
easily blocked by preregistration and/or PARs. And is only a very small subset 
of phishing attacks with OAuth, of which the larger group is "legitimate 
phishing applications". An app can be registered correctly, and still issue a 
phishing attack as phishing attacks through OAuth are actually 
indistinguishable from standard user delegation. There is no way to prevent 
these without an application review before registration is completed, here's an 
example that cloned Google apps y creating a fake app called google defender: 

If we can't protect against these latter ones, I hardly think protecting 
against the former is useful/interesting/valuable.

[Image removed by sender.]

Warren Parad

Founder, CTO
Secure your user data with IAM authorization as a service. Implement 

On Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 9:05 PM Rifaat Shekh-Yusef 
<rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com<mailto:rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com>> wrote:


An article was recently published discussing some OAuth Redirection Attacks to 
try to bypass phishing detection solutions. See the details of these attacks in 
the following link:


The article discusses attacks on Microsoft and GitHub, but these attacks are 
not unique to these companies.

The attacks take advantage of how OAuth handles error responses, which sends 
responses to the application's redirect URL.

I would like to get the thoughts of the working group on these types of attacks.

What is the best way to mitigate these attacks?

Do we need a new approach for handling errors with OAuth?



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