There's discussions around this in the mail and meeting archives, if you
want to dig into it. But generally the "at_hash" approach has proven to be
complicated while not really achieving the algorithm agility it aims for.
We opted for something more straightforward with "ath" in DPoP.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 7:25 AM Dmitry Telegin <dmitryt=> wrote:

> As of -03, the "ath" DPoP proof claim has been introduced:
> ath: hash of the access token (REQUIRED). The value MUST be the result of
>> a base64url encoding (with no padding) the SHA-256 hash of the ASCII
>> encoding of the associated access token's value.
> OpenID Connect has a similar concept used to bind ID token to access token:
> at_hash OPTIONAL. Access Token hash value. Its value is the base64url
>> encoding of the left-most half of the hash of the octets of the ASCII
>> representation of the access_token value, where the hash algorithm used
>> is the hash algorithm used in the alg Header Parameter of the ID Token's
>> JOSE Header. For instance, if the alg is RS256, hash the access_token
>> value with SHA-256, then take the left-most 128 bits and base64url encode
>> them. The at_hash value is a case sensitive string.
> OIDC derives the hashing algorithm from the token header, while DPoP uses
> SHA-256 unconditionally. OIDC uses the left-most half of the hash, while
> DPoP uses the whole hash. Would it make sense to be aligned with OIDC on
> this?
> Regards,
> Dmitry
> Backbase
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