Any updates on this one? As of -04 we have a clear distinction between
"error=invalid_token" and "error=invalid_dpop_proof", so the question could
be reworded like this:
- if DPoP proof is used in combination with access token, and both are
invalid, which one of the "invalid_token" and "invalid_dpop_proof" should
be signaled?


On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 6:37 PM Dmitry Telegin <> wrote:

> Hello,
> When DPoP proof is used in conjunction with a token (protected resource
> access; token refresh), what should be the order of validation of those?
> The draft doesn't mention this, and it's hard to deduce logically which
> should come first, since validation is mutual ("ath" DPoP claim vs.
> "cnf/jkt" token claim) and there is a sort of circular dependency. Are we
> going to address that in the spec, or intentionally leave as unspecified?
> Background: a developer asked me if it's guaranteed that the protected
> resource return a 401 in the case of invalid access token; currently, the
> answer seems to be "implementation specific".
> Regards,
> Dmitry
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