
Based on the feedback on this call for adoption request, it seems that this
document does *not* have enough support to adopt it as a WG document at
this stage.

 Rifaat & Hannes

On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 11:19 AM Warren Parad <> wrote:

> I'm glad you brought this up, since Signatures can already be used with
> OAuth, the question is exactly that. What are the ways using these together
> without an explicit RFC would cause a problem? I'm not totally sure that
> makes sense, so let me give an example. If the draft says "we need to
> exchange keys, but it isn't part of the draft" and we have that for every
> section, what's the benefit of the RFC in the first place. Sure PoP needs a
> solution, is it solved without an RFC for anyone using OAuth and the
> Signature draft as is, or is there something meaningful that needs to be
> documented?
> Without providing author recommendations in the form of filling in at
> least part of the draft, instead of the question being *is this the right
> way to solve this part of the problem* it becomes *should we even have a
> draft.*
> The one part of the draft that does exist is "Introduction of a new token
> type", which if we say:
>> The RS can get that through introspection, through something in the token
>> itself (like the JWT “cnf” claim)
> Then the obvious conclusion should be: we don't need a new token type. So
> if we remove that from that draft, it brings me back to the original point,
> what problem does this particular draft solve as part of PoP, other than
> saying we should have PoP via message signatures because message signatures
> can provide PoP.
> We could say things like "Key exchange needs to be defined so that..." or
> "a new claim needs to be added so that...", but I fear we haven't done that
> with the draft so far.
> Obviously this is only my perspective, which isn't saying let's not do
> this, it is "sure let's do this as long as we can answer these questions".
> Right now I'm not convinced of this actually solving the PoP situation for
> me, while it is a valid argument, it isn't a sound one, due to its
> implementation relying on Signatures and how Signatures is constructed at
> this moment.
> So rather than "this is PoP", let's focus on the problems needed to solve
> for PoP Signatures to work.
> Warren Parad
> Founder, CTO
> Secure your user data with IAM authorization as a service. Implement
> Authress <>.
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 4:51 PM Justin Richer <> wrote:
>> I wanted to jump back to the top of the thread to point out something
>> that seems to be getting missed:
>> This is not a call for adoption of HTTP Message Signatures. That document
>> already exists in the HTTP WG and will be published as an RFC from that
>> group. If you want to have discussions  about  how the HTTP Message
>> Signatures specification works, come  to the HTTP working group for those
>>  discussions.
>> This is a call for adoption of an OAuth application of the HTTP Message
>> Signatures spec. Signatures will exist with or without the OAuth WG’s use
>> of it, and I would argue that people are going to attach OAuth access
>>  tokens to requests  using HTTP Message Signatures whether or not  the
>> OAuth WG picks up the work. The question is whether those  applications are
>> going to be isolated profiles and silos, like they are today, or whether
>> there can be one way to use them together across different systems.
>> My recommendation is that  the OAuth WG define how exactly HTTP Message
>> Signatures should be  used  with OAuth, which is what  this proposal is
>>  for.
>>  — Justin
>> On Oct 6, 2021, at 5:01 PM, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef <>
>> wrote:
>> All,
>> As a followup on the interim meeting today, this is a *call for adoption
>> *for the *OAuth Proof of Possession Tokens with HTTP Message Signature* draft
>> as a WG document:
>> Please, provide your feedback on the mailing list by* October 20th*.
>> Regards,
>>  Rifaat & Hannes
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