You can make your app an OIDC self-issued IdP for your website.

One of my clients are using the mechanism for Native App SSO, where an OIDC 
self-issued IdP embedded in the Native App is acting as IdP for the backend IdP 

Unfortunately I have no english document now, but this slide describes the 


> 2021/03/13 3:24、SOMMER, DOMINIK <>のメール:
> Hi all,
> we have recently launched a mobile app that uses our website’s login and 
> authorization code flow to authenticate and authorize user access (following 
> RFC8252).
> However, not all of our website features are natively ported to the app 
> itself. Some are only available on the website in logged-in state. That’s why 
> we implemented an authorization handover mechanism based on one-time login 
> codes: This allows the app (in logged-in state) to open a web view and hand 
> over authentication & authorization, effectively logging the user in on the 
> website. This achieves a seamless experience for the user without 
> compromising on security.
> We came up with this mechanism after researching for prior practice, but we 
> couldn’t find anything applicable for this scenario.
> Hence, three questions to the list:
> 1. Did we miss anything in our research? Is there a common best practice 
> available?
> 2. If the answer to 1. is “No”, would the working group appreciate an RFC 
> draft describing the solution we came up with? (We’d be eager for comments to 
> make it even more secure J )
> 3. If the answer to 2. is “Yes”, can someone point me to documentation on the 
> procedure, if such exist?
> Thanks for your support and
> best regards,
> Dominik
> Sitz der Gesellschaft / Corporate Headquarters: Miles & More GmbH, Frankfurt 
> am Main, Registereintragung / Registration: Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main HRB 
> 116409
> Geschaeftsfuehrung / Management Board: Sebastian Riedle, Dr. Oliver Schmitt
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