NP, thank you for the followup!
I posted an update reflecting the feedback and comments. We're version 11.

On 1/14/21, 06:35, "Roman Danyliw" <> wrote:

    Hi Vittorio!
    So sorry for the delay, I didn't appreciate this was awaiting on a response.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Vittorio Bertocci <>
    > Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 3:45 AM
    > To: Roman Danyliw <>;
    > Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] AD Review of draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-10
    > Thank you Roman for the thorough review!
    > I applied all the editorial and typo fixes. I have a few questions on some
    > comments, once solved I'll update accordingly and push a new version.
    > Thanks!
    > Inline
    > >On 11/15/20, 08:39, "OAuth on behalf of Roman Danyliw" <oauth-
    > on behalf of> wrote:
    > >[..]
    > >    ** Section 2.2.2.  Per "Any additional attributes whose semantics   
    > additional attributes whose semantics are well described by the 
    > description found in Section 5.1 of [..]
    > >   Maybe my read it wrong, but it seems like this text saying that 
beyond the
    > required claims listed in section 2.2, you can use any of the other 
claims as long
    > as they are in the IANA JWT registry.  Isn't that simpler, since the 
Section 5.1.
    > OpenID.Core attributes are registered?
    >  You are right, that's not very clear.
    > In a nutshell, what I am trying to say is "if you want to express an 
attribute for
    > which there's already a well-established claim available, use that rather 
    > inventing  new one.".
    > That still allows for non-IANA claims to be introduced, as long as the
    > implementer has done the due diligence and verified that the attribute 
    > convey isn't covered in the IANA JWT registry.
    > I explicitly mention OpenID Connect as source of claims mostly to ensure 
    > the reader will understand at first glance that when it comes to user
    > information a JWT AT can convey the same information obtained via OpenID
    > Connect, without the need to follow the link and consult the change
    > controller/reference column of the claims to realize that. One of the 
goals I am
    > hoping this spec will achieve is to stop people from abusing ID tokens 
and using
    > them in lieu of access tokens (as Kubernetes routinely does, for example),
    > hence the "denormalized" language of that section.
    > Here's an alternative formulation that tries to preserve that clarity 
    > referring to the registry:
    > "Any additional identity attribute whose semantic is well described by an 
    > in the JSON Web Token (JWT) IANA registry introduced in [RFC7519] SHOULD
    > be encoded using the corresponding claim name.
    > Note that the JWT IANA registry includes the claims found in Section 5.1 
    > [OpenID.Core]."
    > What do you think? Waiting for your feedback before changing the language 
    > the draft
    This looks fine to me.
    > >    ** Section 3.  What would be the case where it would not be 
    > for the resource parameter value to be the same as the aud claim in the 
    > token (the text currently says SHOULD, why not MUST?)?
    > This was actually a MUST until draft 3, then Brian pointed out that this 
    > have made this profile more restrictive than resource indicators itself- 
    > led me to soften the requirement accordingly. Brian's comment in its 
    > |Resource Indicators is about how the client conveys the target to the AS 
    > says " The authorization server may use the exact 'resource' value as the
    > audience or it may map from that value to a more general URI or abstract
    > identifier for the given resource". The following from |sec 3 is more 
restrictive /
    > prescriptive, which seems to reach beyond the scope of the JWT access 
    > profile.
    > ||  "If the request includes a resource parameter (as defined in
    > || [ResourceIndicators]), the resulting JWT access token aud claim MUST
    > ||   have the same value as the resource parameter in the request."
    Oh, got it.  Thanks for explaining.
    > >    ** Section 4. Per the validation guidelines on access token 
validation, is
    > there parallel text needed to discuss the RS use of the token say: 
checking that
    > the acr has a value that is appropriate (so it can have confidence in the 
    > of > the authentication used between client/AS)? Or that the right
    > entitlements/groups/etc were present for the requested operation?
    > That's a good point. The last paragraph of section 4 was meant to be a 
    > for those cases, mentioning entitlements under the "authorization claims"
    > umbrella and everything else as "any other contextual information". The 
    > that makes me hesitate before getting more specific than that is that it 
can be
    > a slippery slope (acr, amr, entitlements etc are good candidates, but the 
    > might be said about auth_time for max_age like scenarios, for example... 
    > to draw the line?) and being those optional, not everyone might readily
    > understand without adding more color/context. Combined with how difficult
    > reaching consensus for the inclusion of session properties in access 
tokens, plus
    > the fact thatRFC6750 does not give RS specific guidance for how to act on
    > authorization info (scopes), I opted for generic language.
    > If you feel strongly about more specific guidance being required for those
    > claims, I can propose more specific language- but before doing so, I 
wanted to
    > offer the context above to see if it changes things.
    Hmm.  I wish it could be clearer but I now understand the trade off you 
made.  Please leave the text as is.
    >  >   ** Section 5.  This text seems to restate much of the text from
    > [OAuth2.Security.BestPractices].  Do other section apply here?  Perhaps 
    > add that the SecCons of individual claims apply here too if used in the 
    > (as this profile allows pretty much anything in the JWT registry to be 
    > I combed draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics-16 and besides the parts about 
    > client_id and aud (already referenced by the current spec, or further 
    > as it the case for the audience considerations), the BCP doesn’t appear 
to offer
    > further guidance that would vary depending on the content of the token. 
    > guidance seems mostly on how the token is obtained, and the mechanisms
    > described operate at the message level hence apply to JWT access tokens 
    > opaque tokens in the same way. Did you have any specific section of the 
BCP in
    > mind?
    > I also took a look at rfc7519 SecCon and it doesn’t appear to offer 
    > specific considerations. Finally, I combed thru rfc8725 and it seems the 
    > spec covers all the content specific recommendations that apply to this
    > scenario, namely in section 4 for the audience, issue and subject 
validation, and
    > section 2.1 and 4 for the strong typing.
    > Bottom line: I could add a generic recommendation to consider
    > OAuth2.Security.BestPractices, rfc7519 and rfc8725 when considering the
    > security of a JWT access token, but the only section that seem directly
    > applicable seems the 4.14 we already reference. What do you think? Do we
    > need that blanket reference?
    I re-read [OAuth2.Security.BestPractices] and my suggestion; and agree with 
your assessment.  Almost nothing in the BCP is about specific to the token 
content and format which this narrow focus of this draft.
    Again, sorry for delay.
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