Another approach to address the privacy implications of a token refresh
is a client can obfuscate usage by the user by doing regular token
refreshes independent of user activity.


On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 10:41 AM Jeff Craig <jeffcraig=> wrote:

> I think that the argument is that token refreshing isn't as strong a
> signal about usage patterns as introspection calls would be, which I agree
> with. I also think that if a RS knows it's using an external AS, they've
> generally accepted this information leakage. This is not to say it's not
> worth mentioning in the document, but rather that I doubt it will
> significantly move implementations one way or the other.
> Generally speaking, I don't like JWTs as Access Tokens. They're verbose,
> they leak information to clients that clients don't need, and if the RS
> makes a mistake in their JWT validation, they can create security
> vulnerabilities.  That said, I do think they are preferable to
> Introspection at request time, and the RS's that I've worked with generally
> don't want the overhead of Introspection on every usage of the token. I
> generally argue a shared secret between the RS and the AS is a better
> solution, but in my experience most cloud-hosted ASes don't offer that
> option.
> For this cloud AS situation, I have been
> tracking draft-ietf-oauth-token-exchange-19 as a means for RSes to setup a
> Token Endpoint to convert the AS access token into a access token (w/o
> Refresh) that the RS can accept, thus limiting Introspection to the Refresh
> flow, but I don't currently have a RS interested in trying to try this
> flow, but I think that it's a reasonable approach to limiting introspection
> on every request to the RS, though it does add an additional point of
> failure during the Token Refresh. This has the same leakage problem that is
> under discussion here, obviously.
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 3:34 AM Neil Madden <>
> wrote:
>> But if you want to handle revocation (and you do), then the alternative
>> is short-lived access tokens with frequent refreshing, which also informs
>> the AS of activity. So is this any better?
>> If an org running an RS decides to use a 3rd-party AS (eg cloud hosted)
>> then there are privacy implications to that arrangement, regardless of the
>> specific technology used for token validation.
>> On 26 Aug 2020, at 22:16, Mike Jones <Michael.Jones=
>>> wrote:
>> I agree with Dick’s observation about the privacy implications of using
>> an Introspection Endpoint.  That’s why it’s preferable to not use one at
>> all and instead directly have the Resource understand the Access Token.
>> One way of doing this is the JWT Access Token spec.  There are plenty of
>> others.
>> The downsides of using an Introspection Endpoint should be described in
>> the Privacy Considerations section.
>>                                                        -- Mike
>> *From:* OAuth <> *On Behalf Of * Dick Hardt
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 26, 2020 9:52 AM
>> *To:* Torsten Lodderstedt <>
>> *Cc:*; oauth <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Last Call:
>> <draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-09.txt> (JWT Response for
>> OAuth Token Introspection) to Proposed Standard
>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 4:37 AM Torsten Lodderstedt <torsten=
>> <>>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Denis,
>> > On 25. Aug 2020, at 16:55, Denis <
>> <>> wrote:
>> > The fact that the AS will know exactly when the introspection call has
>> been made and thus be able to make sure which client
>> > has attempted perform an access to that RS and at which instant of
>> time. The use of this call allows an AS to track where and when
>> > its clients have indeed presented an issued access token.
>> That is a fact. I don’t think it is an issue per se. Please explain the
>> privacy implications.
>> As I see it, the privacy implication is that the AS knows * when* the
>> client (and potentially the user) is accessing the RS, which is also an
>> indication of *when* the user is using the client.
>> I think including this implication would be important to have in a
>> Privacy Considerations section.
>> /Dick
>> ᐧ
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